Mystery in Maria De Filippi's talent show. A star student of Amici 23 would have disappeared during the daytime of the program and it wouldn't even be the first time
It's not the first time this has happened and it's a mystery what happens in Maria De Filippi's school. A student of Amici 23 he disappears in the daytime and doesn't show up. She practically never appears in the images and we don't know why. Not only in the latest appointments with the daily strip, but also previously many viewers had noticed this thing.
All viewers wonder where he went and what happened. If the next appointment with the Evening is scheduled for Saturday 20 Aprilthere is no shortage of daily appointments to see how things are going at the school.
Among other things, Michele Bravi left the elimination of the previous episode on standby, since he was unable to decide between Sarah and Lil Jolie. Next time we will know which of the two will remain in the school.
Meanwhile, another mystery hovers over school of Maria De Filippi. There is a student who has suddenly disappeared and all the fans of the Mediaset television program are wondering what could have happened to him.
You can't see him in the house, he seems to escape the afternoon daytime cameras and it wouldn't be the first time. In the past he would have isolated himself, distancing himself from his classmates and teachers. In images broadcast on TV you definitely rarely see it.

Who is the Amici 23 student who always runs away from the cameras in the afternoon daytime?
Viewers are wondering where the singer Holden, who is rarely seen in the daytime of Amici 23, has ended up. There are those who believe that it was all caused by a quarrel with the professor Rudy Zerbi before the Evening began: he would also have threatened to leave.

We don't know if this hypothesis is true, if the reason could be another or if it is simply a coincidence and it was simply never in favor of the camera during the filming of the daily strip. Also because in the past Holden was not so present in the images broadcast by Maria De Filippi's talent show. We will certainly know more at the next Evening.
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