Last summer the Council of Ministers gave green light to the draft alcohol and minor law of the Ministry of Health. Among other things, the norm prohibited bars and restaurants that will be less than 200 meters frequented by minors, such as schools or parks, had furniture sponsored by brands that sell alcoholic products, such as Mahou tables, Galicia star umbrellas or eagle chairs. However, this Tuesday, and after having passed through the public hearing process, the Government has approved the already project with less restrictions. Thus, the premises that already have this sponsored furniture would not have to remove it even if they are less than 150 meters from those spaces frequented by children, since the perimeter of the affected premises is also reduced.
Thus, the standard prohibits within one year after the entry into force of the law The advertising of alcoholic beverages on public roads within a radius of 150 meters of educational centers, health centers, social and social -health services and parks and parks and children’s leisure places. However, it introduces an exception for the “existing situations” before that time. According to health sources, if a bar already has, for example, the umbrellas sponsored by a brewery, can keep them even if it is at the gates of a school. But at the time it has to replace them, with the law in force, you will have to opt for others that do not advertise a brand of alcoholic products.
The Minister of Health, Mónica García, has highlighted in the press conference after the Council of Ministers that this rule is “as urgent as necessary.” There is no amount of alcohol, he said, that it is safe for people’s health. He also recalled that alcohol consumption in minors is a “concern” for government and society. And he has alluded to the State Survey on Drug Use in Secondary Teaching in Spain (Studies), which points out that alcohol is the most widespread psychoactive substance among students from 14 to 18 years. Specifically, in 2023, 75.9%recognized having ever consumed it in their life, 73.6%, in the last year, and 56.6%, in the last month.
The law, which after having obtained the approval of the Council of Ministers will now have to go through Congress and Senate, so he still has months to be a reality, prohibits alcohol consumption for all persons, both minors and adults, in educational centers of early, primary, secondary and high school education. But also in professional training and artistic elementary teachings. Nor can products containing alcohol in minors and residences of students admit to minors, as well as in other centers for their use.
Alcohol consumption restriction will also affect sports and leisure centers or spaces dedicated to public shows when they are specifically destined for minors. Also prohibiting traveling and licensed on public roads and in the rest of the places that contemplate the different regional and municipal ordinances.
In addition, as is the case with tobacco machines, those that contain alcoholic products must incorporate “effective technical mechanisms, with direct surveillance and custody” that prevent minors from acquiring them. They cannot also be placed on public roads or other places where the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
In self -service stores, alcoholic beverages must be located in a specific space separate from spaces with products specifically destined for children and adolescents. Establishments that are mostly dedicated to the sale of products for minors will not be able to sell alcohol or products that imitate them.
The standard also includes limitations to advertising, so that it prohibits any direct, indirect or covert form of advertising of alcoholic beverages or products that simulate being an alcoholic beverage including the commercial name, the social denomination, symbols or trademarks of the persons or companies that produce said drinks, addressed to minors.
In advertising or commercial communications you cannot use the image or voice of: people with less than 21 years; adults when they are characterized or disguised as children; People or characters, real or fiction, whose public relevance or their popularity are linked to the minor population, women in a state of gestation, even if they have given their consent, or the image of a fetus. Regarding language, healing, arguments, styles, typography or designs associated with the culture of minors, or linking alcoholic beverages with the improvement of physical performance, social or sexual success, cannot be used.
However, there are other exceptions, because the advertising of those fermented drinks whose percentage of alcohol is below 0.5 will be allowed. Thus, advertising or site restrictions will not affect beers 0.0.
The law focuses on prevention measures in several areas, such as the family or educational. Thus, in educational centers the inclusion of new content on prevention of alcohol consumption and extracurricular activities will be promoted. In these activities, entities related to the sectors linked to the production or marketing of alcoholic beverages may not participate.
Security forces and bodies may perform breathalyzer tests in specific places and circumstances where alcohol consumption is prohibited.
(News in expansion)
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