Health alert due to the presence of primary aromatic amines in kitchen utensils from Spain

The health authorities of the European Union have issued a “potentially serious” alert due to the presence of primary aromatic amines present in kitchen utensils from Spain. The notice, from the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF, according to its acronym in English), was registered last Tuesday, December 24, after a routine control of products exported by the country.

These utensils, essential for culinary tasks such as stews or other preparations, were notified as dangerous as they have more than triple the amount of primary aromatic amines allowed per product.

Thus, the analytical results of the different tests showed that the kitchen instruments had quantities of primary aromatic amines between 0.0454 and 0.0623 mg/kg – ppm, with 0.01 mg/kg – ppm being the maximum allowed. by the European Union.

The alert from the health authorities, issued from Belgium, indicates the importance of removing such kitchen utensils from the market, although it is not detailed whether they have already been removed from the different distribution channels.

Primary aromatic amines (PAA) are very common chemical substances, since they are used for the manufacture of multiple items; such as pesticides, pharmaceutical products, rubber, epoxy polymers or inks, among others. Furthermore, they may be present or migrate from materials in contact with food, as a consequence of impurities in their production or due to prolonged use of the same.

Those in charge of food safety in the EU have not yet detected possible dangers or symptoms derived from exposure – through these kitchen products – to this compound, although they recommend not exceeding the dose set by the administration itself of 0.01 mg/kg – ppm.

The notice also coincides with the beginning of the Christmas holidays, when families around the continent cook different preparations from their homes to celebrate the date. Therefore, it does not hurt to pay special attention to the acquisition of these products.

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