Tragic accident takes 33-year-old’s life
A tragic fate has united a father and a son in death. A 33 years old he in fact went off the road near Forlimpopoli, dying in the place where, two years ago, his father also lost his life. A few meters and he would have returned home.
Here’s what happened.
33-year-old from Forlimpopoli ends up off the road and dies a few meters from home
The umpteenth tragedy It occurred a few hours ago near Forlimpopoli. The 33 year old Mirko Riciputi he actually died a few minutes before reaching his home. The boy was on board his car when it ended off road near the town of Paganello Street.

All this happened around 1pm. The car, a Peugeotit would have gone off the road and then continued its journey through the fields after having crashed into a small wall. No other vehicles were involved in the impact, which is why it is assumed that the driver was hit by a sickness sudden.
Moreover, the local Carabinieri did not even find any traces of brakingwhich is why Mirko would not have tried to intervene in his fate. The rescue team arrived immediately on the scene, but every attempt to resuscitation it was in vain. A few meters from that tragic path is the family home where the boy lived with his mother and older brother.
Fate or Fate? The Terrible Coincidence
This accident, already extremely frightening in itself, takes on even more mysterious characteristics precisely because of what happened two years ago. 100 meters away from the site of the accident, another impact occurred on April 30, 2022.

In thataccident Mirko’s father had lost his life, Gilbertowho was 63 years old at the time of the events. In that case, however, the man had lost his life when his car had collided with that of another person.
This is how fate united in death a father and a son, who left this world a few meters away from each other. A few days ago, another 47-year-old man had lost his life on a street not too far from this one.
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