Yet another crime hits an elderly couple close to home
A couple of elderly people was found lifeless of her son-in-law. The case would have attracted the attention of the Carabinieri because it could be a murder-suicide that the man would have decided to commit first against his wife and then against himself.
Here’s what we found out about this story.
Son-in-law finds his in-laws dead: it happened in the province of Treviso
A couple of elderly people she was found lifeless by her son-in-law, that is, the husband of the daughter of the two. We are talking about a 90-year-old man Giancarlo Gaio and his wife Cesira Whitewho was 82 years old instead.

This ugly page of crime news occurred in the province of Treviso, more precisely in Colmaggiore of Above in the Tarzo district. The dynamics of this act remain unknown, but according to what was declared by the police, it is what is defined as murder-suicide.
It is clear that the two did not die naturally and the hypothesis followed by the Carabinieri is linked to the fact that they found a pistol near the bed. This could have been used by the husband himself who owned it for sporting purposes.
The bitter confession before the crime: the couple was in crisis
According to investigators, the person responsible for what happened could be the 90-year-old, who had not seemed to be living a peaceful life for some time. It seems in fact that on several occasions he had appeared to everyone as depressedso much so that he confessed that he no longer had the desire or strength to go on.

Giancarlo was in fact sick for a long time and also the wife Cesira was not in good physical condition. The 82-year-old had in fact recovered from a bad fall that had greatly reduced her mobility and no longer allowed her to do many of the daily activities that are fundamental for the well-being of a family. Perhaps this was the straw that broke the camel’s back and that made Giancarlo take a decision so arduous. We await further updates.
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