He doesn't open the bar like every morning and his customers raise the alarm: Betty Gasparroni found dead in her bed, she was 54 years old
A real drama is what happened on the morning of Saturday 27 January, in the municipality of Porto San Giorgio. Betty Gasparroni she didn't show up at the bar as usual and after the alarm raised by her customers, they found her lifeless in her home.
The doctors who intervened for her were unable to do anything except note that she was heartbreaking death. The police also intervened on site and are currently working to understand what it is success.
The events occurred on the morning of Saturday 26 January. Precisely in the small town of Porto San Giorgiowhich is located in the province of Fermo.
The woman had a bar in that place and was very well known for this reason. In fact, there are many of them at the moment shocked from his loss, to the point that they are writing messages of condolence on social media.

On the morning of Saturday January 26th, Betty should have shown up at her house as usual activity, but at 6.30 the customers started to worry because it wasn't arriving. This wasn't normal for them.
At about 8.30, asked for the intervention of the officers, who showed up at his home. They opened the door, but only when they were inside they did the sad discovery.
The heartbreaking death of Betty Gasparroni
The paramedics found the woman, now lifeless in her home Bedwith his dogs who they kept watch his body. There was nothing left for her to do and they had no choice but to declare her dead.
Given the dynamics of the matter, the police also intervened on site and are now trying to understand what it was success. For now everything seems to suggest that the woman's disappearance occurred for a while sudden illness while sleeping.

However, the investigation is still at the beginning. For now there are none on the body signs of violence. There will be further updates on the incident.
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