In Spain, the State security forces and bodies investigated a total of 2,268 hate crimes in 2023, 21.3 percent more than in the previous year, According to data from the Ministry of the Interior, four out of ten of these criminal offences are due to racism and xenophobia.
According to the criteria of
Among those attacked were Colombian migrants. Hate crimes based on racism and xenophobia were the most numerous and accounted for 41.8 percent of all reported cases, followed by crimes related to sexual orientation and gender identity, while ideological crimes came in third place.
The majority of the attacks were threats and injuries, followed by hate speech, insults and damage. The majority of those affected were men between the ages of 26 and 40.
Rescue of migrants.
Regarding the distribution of victims according to their nationality, the majority were Spanish (62.1 percent), While among foreigners, those from Morocco registered the highest percentage (8.3 percent) and Colombian migrants represented 4.8 percent.
Spain registered almost twice as many irregular immigrants in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period last year, according to data published yesterday by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior.
From January to June of this year, 24,898 people entered the country illegally, 96 percent more compared to the 12,704 in the same period in 2023.
This means that 12,194 more people arrived in Spain illegally from 1 January to 30 June this year.
The majority of them arrived by sea, 23,726 people, of whom 19,257 did so from the northwest coast of Africa, crossing the Atlantic, to the Spanish Canary Islands, according to the data.
Arrivals to these islands increased by 167 percent in this period, on one of the migration routes that organizations such as the United Nations and non-governmental organizations consider among the most dangerous in the world.
Most of these occurred in January and February, with almost 12,000 immigrants arriving illegally in the Canary Islands in those two months, while the number of cases decreased afterwards.
The Canary Islands government has warned of the “collapsed and totally unsustainable situation” of the reception system on the islands to care for thousands of minors who are among these immigrants, while the central government appeals to the solidarity of the rest of Spain.
The rest of the entries by sea, mostly in precarious vessels such as small boats and canoes, correspond to the Spanish Mediterranean coast, the Balearic Islands and Ceuta and Melilla, Spanish cities in North Africa.
#Hate #crimes #Spain #increased #year #racism #xenophobia #main