It is well known that one of Hollywood's most beloved comedians is Adam Sandler, an actor who little by little has been winning over the public with films that range from the absurd to slightly harder themes that have made fans cry for reasons of feeling identified. And something that will never be forgotten is his first true success.,Happy Gilmore, of which a sequel has been requested for quite some time and up to this point has not been fulfilled for some reason.
According to Christopher McDonaldwho played Shooter McGavin In the original film, there is good news, given that the second part would already be in development by the production company of Sandler. He has stated this through an interview, in which he mentions that he spoke with Adam and he has shown him a draft script, where he is clearly confirming that he wants to make the second film with the return of these endearing characters.
Here are their statements:
I saw Adam about two weeks ago and he said, 'McDonald, you're going to love this.' I said that?' He says, 'How about that?' and he shows me the first draft of Happy Gilmore 2.
Maybe you should cut that because I don't want to be a liar, but he showed me that and I thought, 'Well, that would be amazing.' So, he is in process. The fans demand it, damn it.
Here is a synopsis of the film:
Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler, 'Aggressive Executive') has only one purpose in life: to become the best ice hockey player. Although he does not have the necessary qualities to make his dream come true (he does not know how to play or skate), he has a very powerful swing with which he is capable of sending the ball to a distance of almost 370 meters, a shot that his father taught him when he was little. .
After being rejected from the town's hockey team and being abandoned by his girlfriend, he learns that his house, where he lives with his grandmother and which was built years ago by his grandfather, is going to be repossessed. Gilmore has only three months to give the bank the money he owes, otherwise he will lose the house forever. The solution seems to be found in his curious ability to play golf, as he believes it is the only thing that makes him special. Thus, he decides to join the PGA Tour, where he will have to compete in a series of golf circuits until he reaches the Tour Championship, the tournament that closes each season on the PGA Tour. Due to his strange behavior on the field, he manages to attract the attention of the media, becoming the “star” of the competition.
Remember that you can consult the first part in streaming.
Via: World of Reel
Editor's note: It would be a good play with the nostalgia of the return of this saga. However, there are things that they will no longer be able to include for the current times.
#Happy #Gilmore #sequel