We spend more and more time on the Internet, which has led to the digitalization of more and more aspects of our lives. Without a doubt, this has caused the rise of cybercrime, and this constant use of the Internet has meant that every day there is an uninterrupted flow of information of great value to cybercriminals and their scams, thefts and deceptions.
And the main measure we have to prevent third parties from accessing our personal and banking information are passwords. While it is true that these keys have proven to be insufficient to safeguard this data and more forms and layers of protection have been designed for our accounts and profiles such as biometric identification or two-factor authentication, Passwords remain the main and basic protection measure.
Little by little, users are becoming more aware of the danger of having weak passwords like ‘12345678’ or having ‘qwerty’ as your password or using the same password for different platforms, although it is more difficult to get rid of this habit.
And while There is no unbreakable password or pattern to follow that is 100% effective. against cybercriminal attacks, there are some very simple tricks to apply that will make your password very difficult to guess and it is thanks to something as Spanish as the letter Ñ.
And if you stop to think about it, the letter Ñ It is practically unique and It is really only used normally within the Spanish word. This is reflected in technology, and you may not have realized it, but The keyboards of any device designed for use outside of Spain do not contain a specific key for this letter.
That means, although can be entered Ñ with an English or French keyboardat first this option does not appear. Therefore, if you include the letter Ñ in your password, lAnd you will be making life extremely difficult for all foreign hackers.
Although it is true that Spanish cybercriminals do have this letter, today hackers use Artificial Intelligence platforms to guess passwords, and as a general rule they do not take this letter into account as they have been programmed in another language. So including the Ñ in your passwords will make them more secure.
It should be noted that with this little trick, we are not recommending that you use passwords such as ‘password’ or ‘españa’, since these can be very easy to guess, but rather we recommend that you use this letter in words, phrases or random combinations. Some examples could be type ‘erñesto398’, ‘sacaalñu’ or ’34rtñ876′.
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