Corrado Guzzanti against political correctness and the circle of comma writers. “It destroys comedy”
«Comedy has changed for the worse. I don't know if political correctness has its hours, days or years numbered, but I hope so. Have you seen Ricky Gervais or Louis CK? A humor that belongs less to us, even gigantic vulgarities. But the principle according to which you have to censor anything that might offend a minority cannot work, it cannot be expected. The principle must be that if you get offended, it's your problem”, this is how a great comedian, better defined as a humorist, like Corrado Guzzanti responded in an interview with Repubblica.
And since that newspaper is at the forefront of the global crusade for political correctness, the journalist immediately took offense, defining some of the jokes going around as “offensive”.
To which the Roman actor wisely replied: “We all know what really cannot be done and cannot be said, because it scandalizes us first. But political correctness today makes everyone's job difficult, and sooner or later it will soften. I can't think of a future where you have to be careful about commas because the comma circle might get offended.”
The occasion was the presentation of the new TV series on Sky, “I delitti del Bar Lume 11”. That the criticism comes from a man of the left, or rather an idol, makes us think.
And in fact the interview raised eyebrows, as expected, precisely in the “circle of comma writers”, as Guzzanti calls it, starting with Repubblica which is a founding member of the said club, but which now has minor emulators in magazines and magazines that want to ape the original, often lapsing into farce.
But it's not just about the danger of freedom of satire. These days freedom of reporting and criticism is also in danger if it goes against the mood, let's call it that, of aggressive, violent and anti-democratic minorities.
Censorship or worse still self-censorship has also descended on journalism since it is simply forbidden to talk about certain topics, otherwise the Order intervenes to call to order, pardon the pun. The spurious child of political correctness is the instrumental use of Fact Checking which in itself would be a very useful tool but which inevitably if it falls into the wrong hands, due to the heterogeneity of the purposes, the opposite happens, and it becomes a tool for imposing a dictatorship of minorities.
Finally the comedian returned to the golden period of his satire, the one in which there were imitations of characters such as Prodi, Rutelli and Bertinotti: “Good times. Yes, I miss it a little. In the sense that I'm a little nostalgic, and I know a little that there are things that are fine where they are. Everything has changed so much…”
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