The abdominal swellingalso known as abdominal distensionhappens when the abdomen is full or swollen and it is a fairly common health problem that causes various discomforts. Despite being frequent, it does not have serious consequences, the only thing that alters the quality of life of the person who suffers from it.
There are foods that treat this digestive problem, one of them is those that contain probiotics. These are live microorganisms that provide health benefits when taken. They are found naturally in some fermented foods and are added to some food products.
The probiotics They mainly act in the digestive systemso when a person ingests probiotics, they help protect this system from harmful microorganisms, improve digestion and intestinal function.
One of the probiotics more powerful is kefir. It is usually sold as a dessert obtained by fermenting milk thanks to a fungus. It is a food made up of many bioactive compounds, such as 30 strains of good bacteria that help fight tumors, harmful microbes or carcinogens. This drink packaged with nutrients helps improve health problems related to digestive health and immune function.
It is a fermented milk drink made with grains, which are a mixture of bacteria and yeast that interact with milk so it is little fermented and that is why lactose intolerant people can drink it. It can be made with milk of different types such as goat, sheep, cow, soy, rice or coconut.
He kefir It can be water but it is more common milkwhich can be made at home. It is made with nodules called Bulgarians, which look like small cabbages and are sold dry. Kefir has high levels of vitamin B12, K12, calcium, magnesium, biotin, folate, enzymes and probiotics. It does not have a standardized nutritional content because it depends on each cow, region or culture.
Benefits of kefir
- Increases immunity by having many compounds and nutrients such as biotin and folate that benefit the immune system and protect cells.
- Build bone strength. Being made from full-fat dairy products, it has high levels of calcium in milk and thanks to this, the deterioration of diseases such as osteoporosis is reduced. It has bioactive compounds that absorb calcium in the body and stop bone degeneration. By having vitamin K2, it is important to improve calcium absorption.
- Fight against cancer. Kefir may play a crucial role in helping fight cancer and the spread of these dangerous cells. In in vitro studies, compounds in this drink have been found to kill cancer cells in the stomach. They can also slow the growth of early tumors.
- Supports digestion. Some research claims that probiotic foods restore bacteria in the intestine and fight gastrointestinal diseases. They help the intestine after taking antibiotics.
- Improves allergies. Many allergies are related to inflammatory problems in the body and this drink helps against inflammation, reducing respiratory problems derived from allergies.
- Heals the skin. If the intestine does not function well, the skin may notice it with the appearance of acne, psoriasis, rashes and eczema. Kefir causes good bacteria to return and helps skin health. It is also beneficial for burns and rashes.
- Improves symptoms of lactose intolerance. In dairy products there are good bacteria essential for the intestine but those who are lactose intolerant cannot tolerate these products. There is an active ingredient in kefir that improves the breakdown of lactose and makes it easier to digest.
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