Every summer, unfortunately, we hear news of very young children dying in tragic accidents when their parents they leave them forgotten in the car and with high temperatures, they suffocate.
But now, this can end. The German manufacturer Mercedes-Benz has developed a new technology: child presence detection (CPD).
This system uses sensors to detect anyone breathing in the cabin. They do this through their breathing, while the cameras check if there is an adult next to them. The sensors are so sensitive that they can detect even a sleeping newborn baby.
The system offers a reminder when the car is turned off. If the driver abandons the vehicle and locks it with a child inside, alerts to the owner’s mobile phone.
If the temperature in the cabin exceeds a critical point, the air conditioning is activated and the car’s horn and lights are activated to warn passers-by. If the child remains in the car, the Mercedes SOS call center is notified and the emergency services are notified.
The interior of a parked car It can be heated by 10ºC in ten minutes. When the body temperature reaches 40ºC, heat stroke occurs, which can be fatal. Children’s bodies heat up three to five times faster than adults.
A Mercedes spokesperson explained: “Radio technology detects the breathing patterns of living beings, regardless of whether they are people or animals. However, our focus is on recognizing children between zero and six years oldwho have difficulty taking care of themselves in critical situations.
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