This situation is not new to anyone, since every Christmas or New Year, users experience problems sending your messages of congratulations. It doesn’t matter if you use WhatsApp or other famous application messaging, the network tends to become saturated and the videos, images and messages remain in an often desperate wait. The mobile phone may have coverage and the applications have not suffered a crash. The reason is simply that There are many people in Spain using the same communication channel both.
Use the telecommunications infrastructure simultaneously it usually leads to these shipping problems. Generally, these are distributed throughout the geographical areas carefully thought out according to population density who is going to use these. Of course, there is a margin of error for situations of high influx of use, although it is not enough in a large-scale party such as Christmas, where considerable peaks occur. Now, Are there ways to avoid it? Well yes, there is a trick that can save your Christmas greetings.
The trick to send WhatsApp if the network is saturated
In recent years, it has been observed how the mobile network has been evolving, going from 2G to 3, 4 and 5G. It is these numbers, which are usually reflected next to the coverage symbol on the mobile phone, that you have to pay attention to.
Although today there are many mobile phones that already have 5G, there are still many mobile phones that connect to the usual 4G network. Therefore, one of the tricks to overcome saturated networks on days like Christmas and New Year is to try to cConnect to the network that has the least connection flow. In the mobile phone settings, in the networks section, you can find the option to choose which mobile network you want to be connected to.
It is very likely that at Connect to a 5G or even a 3G to get your mobile out of the saturated line and the sending of the message is completed. However, it should be noted that this constant network search accelerates battery loss, so if you are away from home you should pay attention to this.
An extra trick to say goodbye to the saturated network
As mentioned, in these situations mobile phones do not stop searching for a network that has optimal flow to operate. And, as has also been mentioned before, geographical areas are usually full of infrastructure or antennas, especially in urban areas. If message delivery is resisting, Telecommunications experts also recommend the following trick: move a few meters.
That’s right, something as simple as moving around the area. The city is full of microcells that provide coverage, so It is possible that you can connect to a slot or antenna that is not saturated. If the problem persists and the coverage still exists, remember that there is always the bestr old school trick: send an SMS.
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