The one who was leader of Podemos Galicia, Antón Gómez-Reino, has signed for Nortempo Foundation as International Talent Directorwhere he will collaborate with the Galician government to boost the second edition of the ‘Returns program qualifies Emprego from the Ministry of Emprego‘, which seeks that Gallegos in emigration can return to the community.
The Foundation of the Temporary Work (ETT) Nortempo company has reported that the former deputy will be commissioned of the area to boost the identification and loyalty of talent globally. Gómez Kingdom has a degree in Social Education and Sociology. The former deputy in Congress (2015-2023) is an expert in international relations, public policies and social economy.
Antón Gómez-Reino has been president of the Labor, Social Security and Migration Commission, vice president of the Foreign Commission and vice president of the Constitutional Commission. The Coruña has been spokesman in international relations, such as Mixed Commission of Relations with the EU of Congress and the Senate and member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe or the OSCE.
Precisely a year ago, Gómez-Reino announced that he was disconnected from Podemos and partisan policy after being deputy in Congress and directing the purple formation in Galicia. At that time, he did A call to the unit of the left in a farewell letter on social networks.
Known as TONE, he was linked from the beginning with Podemos and had in Athletic tide of A Coruña One of the first agglutination experiences of the federal left after 15M, in political options that prioritized the social. He stressed in Congress in 2015, in full emergence of Podemos in the political landscape, and in the lower house he was president of the Labor Commission from February 2020 to May 2023.
In addition, he led the list of Galicia in common to the 2020 regional electionswhich was one of the greatest electoral wrappings in which Podemos participated, given that the candidacy, in which they were also left and anova (now back aligned with the BNG) remained as an extraparliamentary force.
In his stage as a deputy in Congress he explained having been precarious worker in various sectors: Warehouse, advertising distribution, laboratory technician in bacteriology, autonomous for years managing a small store first and an alternative producer of the musical field later.
The entity emphasizes that “his long experience in international relations and social vocation support him to direct the International Talent area of Fundación Nortempo”, within a group established in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America, In more than six countries and with the ability to connect talent from anywhere in the world.
Gómez-Reino assumes this new project as “an exciting challenge” for me to direct the Nortempo Foundation International Talent area, with the aim of promoting the return plan, “with which we want to connect Galician talent abroad with its roots,” creating value in Galicia and contributing to boost sectors with hiring difficulties and set population.
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