Germany | The anti-AfD march had to be stopped in Munich because there were too many participants

Various demonstrations of tens of thousands of people against the far-right Alternative for Germany party were organized in various parts of Germany over the weekend.

From the extreme right A demonstration against the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party had to be stopped in Munich on Sunday, because more participants arrived than had been estimated in the event announcement.

According to the organizers of the demonstration, around 50,000 people gathered in the center of Munich. According to some estimates, there were even more people, even more than 100,000. The organizers had to ask people to disperse for security reasons.

The protests against the AfD were sparked by a German investigative journalism website Corrective after it was reported that members of the AfD had discussed, among other things, the deportation of millions of immigrants at a meeting of extremist movements. The anti-immigration AfD has confirmed that its members attended the meeting.

On Sunday large anti-AfD demonstrations were also organized in other German cities. For example, it was estimated that 70,000 people took part in the march in Cologne and 45,000 in Bremen.

The anti-AfD demonstrations have gathered behind them a wide range of support, from politicians to football managers.

Also the Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz attended a demonstration a week ago. Scholz said any plan to deport immigrants or citizens would be an attack on the country's democracy.

On Sunday, the federal president also gave his support to the demonstrations Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

“They [mielenosoittajat] defending our republic and our constitution against our enemies,” he said in a video message.

#Germany #antiAfD #march #stopped #Munich #participants

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