The Bavarian Football Association (BFV) caused a big surprise on Thursday and also left many questions open. The association sports court took part in the appeal of the regional league Swabian Augsburg in parts-the first ratings of four games of the current season in favor of the respective opponent were lifted again. “With this, the victories of the Fuggerstadt residents against 1. FC Schweinfurt 05 (4: 3), Türkgücü Munich (3: 1), SV Wacker Burghausen (3: 2) and FC Eintracht Bamberg (2: 0),” says the explanation. Obviously, after the obvious violation of the rules, only a fine will be maintained. The Swabia knights had violated the regional league order in the four games last summer because they had not listed the necessary four U-23 players in the squad.
However, the BFV also assumes that the legal dispute is far from over after this appeal procedure. The reason for the judgment was initially not published, “on the basis of the possibility that the associations involved in the proceedings can call the constant arbitration tribunal at the OLG Nuremberg.” Whether Schwaben Augsburg gets twelve points or not, has a direct impact on ascent and descent in the regional league Bavaria because FC Schweinfurt is currently the leaders. The directly affected clubs Eintracht Bamberg and Türkgücü Munich are currently the last two in the table. The law firm, which Schwaben Augsburg represents in the appointment, had made a possible violation of European labor law on the subject.
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