The medical prescription, as we well know, is the document through which the doctor has made known for many years in Spain the prescription of the drugas well as the routes, guidelines and form of administration of the medications.
In depth
According the information provided by the ‘Spanish journal of legal medicine‘, is part of the so-called and famous documents medical-legalits completion being mandatory and having a high impact at the level welfare, economic, administrative and legal.
Hence, failure to comply with this can lead to significant sanctions for pharmacies.. In fact, the Law on Guarantees and Rational Use of Medicines and Health Products establishes a sanctioning framework which classifies infractions into minor, serious and very serious.
Of course, with fines that vary depending on the severity and specific circumstances of the case. According to the article 108 of the aforementioned law, the infractions are classified as follows:
- Minor violations. They can be sanctioned with fines of up to 100,000 pesetas (approximately €601).
- Serious violations. They carry fines that range between 100,000 and 1,000,000 pesetas (between approximately €601 and €6,010),
- Very serious violations. They carry fines ranging from 1,000,000 to 100,000,000 (between approximately €6,010 and €601,012).
To take into account
It should be noted that the exact amount of the fine is set taking into account factors such as the negligence or intentionality of the offender, fraud or collusion, failure to comply with prior warnings, the company’s turnover, the number of people affected, the damage caused, the benefits obtained as a result of the infringement and the permanence or transience of the risks.
All this is avoided by perfectly complying with the law.. And pharmacists have the obligation to guarantee that Medications subject to medical prescription are dispensed only when the client presents the corresponding prescription.
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