That is something he commented in a recent interview conducted by a well-known media outlet. From there, several details came to light, such as Caith Sith's juice mode and a certain preview of a disturbing scene.
According to Hamaguchi, Sephiroth's role in the story of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is to show how this character 'fall from grace' and ends up becoming the villain that the players know.
We recommend: Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth reveals its duration thanks to an interview.
But at the same time, what the Square Enix team wants is for players to feel sorry for him and discover what happened throughout his life. It is a way of trying to get them to put themselves in their place and understand why they act in such a way.
In his own words, the director of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth commented 'Over the course of Rebirth I think players will not only grow to relate to and understand Cloud much more but also Sephiroth through this game'.
This isn't the first time Square Enix has sought to expand the story behind Sephiroth. Previously he did it through Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VIIof which a new version is now available.
However, what you are proposing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is to reveal a little more of this villain's personality, to the point of showing that he was once a hero before committing an act that was reprehensible in the eyes of everyone.

What has been shown so far in the available videos of the game suggests that there are differences with respect to what is known until now. This video game will be released on February 29, 2024 and only on the PlayStation 5.
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