Minivan loses control and crashes into the guardrail: 5 people injured, one boy seriously injured.
In the middle of the night a bad accident occurred involving a minivan. The car would have overturned on the motorway causing several injuries and leading a young boy to fight for his life.
Here's what happened.
Minivan loses control and overturns on the highway
Around 1.30 am on April 27, 2024, a terrible event occurred accident caused to overturning of a minivan. In the medium in question, a Minivan Opel Vivaro, There were 8 people there when suddenly the driver lost control while he was on the A13.

The vehicle then overturned several times and in the end 5 people were injured due to this impact. According to what was declared by the first reconstructions, the impact would have occurred due to the loss of control of the vehicle by the driver.
This was subjected to all the necessary tests and checks, but tested negative for every substance and also for alcohol. According to the police, the accident occurred due to a falling asleep unexpected event that would have caught the driver during the manoeuvre.
Minivan overturns during the march: the toll of the injured
According to what has been reconstructed, i rescued they immediately arrived on site and counted 5 injured. The most serious of all is a 30-year-old boy who was immediately hospitalized at the Cesena Hospital. The young man is in a reserved prognosis at the department resuscitationbut it seems that his conditions are really very bad serious.

No less challenging is the condition of a 46-year-old woman who, instead, was transported to theSant'Anna Hospital in Cona along with the other wounded. Even in this case, the damages sustained by the woman should not be underestimated, even if she herself was not in danger of dying.
Unfortunately some people were trapped inside the car and it was necessary to contact the fire brigade to free them. It all happened near the locality Diamond and even the air ambulance had to go to the scene to collect the wounded more serious. The collision would be linked to the crash of the minivan against the guardrail, a structure which would then have facilitated its overturning.
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