Estefanía Unzuknown as Verdelissbegan in athletics, following the family tradition. His mother, Marta Ripoll, is a directive of the Navarra Federation and Judge of Athletics and his father, Fernando Unzu, played handball at the highest level. Both founded the athletics club Ederki And there little Verdeliss fogged, seven years old, along with his six brothers. Fernando, who in addition to father exercises and coach, is part of the ‘influencer’ record after running and winning six marathons in seven days and on seven different continents.
“How did your daughter start in athletics?”
“His mother and I have an athletic club, Ederki, and started seven years old, just like all her brothers.”
“How was it?”
—He was a normal girl, he did not stand out for any physical value.
“Why did you run?”
“Because he liked it.” I have seven children and everyone has done athletics because it is an activity that educates both the body and the mind. All of them except Estefanía have stood out in power sports, even nationally. My eldest daughter is an absolute champion of Spain in combined and the rest have had important brands. The only one that has come out with the value of the resistance has been Estefanía. He liked to run and even march as little girl.
“How was a day training day?”
“As any girl’s.” With the children, I usually start games directed to athletics. What we did was a slightly more aerobic heating base before games.
“He left him with 18 and returned a couple of years ago after being a mother of eight children …
He left athletics at age 18 because he went to live in Madrid with her husband. He was working there and then for different reasons he returned to Pamplona. With the pandemic he made a virtual marathon that resembled that of Paris, but running down the street. He was the first who did almost 20 years later. He finished well, although he later had some muscle problems. And from there he has not had more physical problems.
“A virtual marathon?”
He left with her husband, who had the plane of where she had to go. ” She wore the clock, which indicated the kilometers she had done. A time came when Aritz told him that he could not keep up and Estefi replied: “Well, there you stay.” He kept running until the clock marked him that he had made 42,195 meters, in a town. I didn’t even know where I was. He had to call me to look for her …
“What told him when he told him that he was going to run the seven marathons in seven days?
“She had already made a challenge that consisted of running a marathon per month for a year.” Then I already told him it was excessive. The one who makes marathons two or three a year at most. But he decided to do it and completed it.
“What is the secret?”
—A person who is dedicated to the marathon with the aim of getting a brand must only make two or three marathons a year because he takes the body to the fullest, but Estefanía when he runs never takes him a hundred percent, he is talking, recording, greets People … and arrive in good condition. It runs to 70 percent of what could be its limit rhythm. That is why you can make so many marathons. He uses them as training.
“And how did the World Challenge prepare the World?”
—To perform the 7x7x7 we agreed that, to endure seven marathons in seven days, taking into account Antarctica, which was the one that most fear gave me the issue of cold and excess weight for the clothes I wore, I had to go faster What usually goes to the unknown and we do not know how the body will answer. It was quieter but her rhythms are relatively high for many women.
“How has this challenge lived?”
“With a lot of nervousness.” When the Antarctica race ended, I was already calm because I didn’t know what was going to happen. I had to go with a mask for the cold, I could not wear the usual gels because they frozen, the shoes were special and larger because I had to wear caps of socks. Once that race ends I was already calmer. The rest was embroidered. Except in Miami nobody managed to improve Estefanía’s brands. And have been champion of the challenge including men
“What part of guilt do you have in that record?”
“She is the one that carries her own training, she is self -taught and works for sensations.” When he can’t more loosen and when he sees he goes well, he squeezes.
“What has been the most difficult thing about this challenge?”
“The most complicated was not being able to rest as it should.” They made the marathons, took the plane and ate and slept there. It was comfortable, but between which the meals served, that the hostesses said something, that there was noise … they slept between two and three hours a day during the week. That was probably the hardest. But within the damage that supposed him, it is one of the factors that favored Estefanía more than to the rest of the competitors, because she has a very anarchic life. He has a lot of family, children have to take school, prepare meals, train, etc … The same is at three in the morning or eight is running on the tape. It was something similar to what happened during the challenge.

Fernando Unzu trains Verdeliss while holding one of his granddaughters in his arms
“Could you talk to her?”
-Very little. He has been quite out of communications. He only made two videoconferences with her husband and children. With me a couple of times from some airport. We talked about how he was and told me that he was made dust, that he had his legs … In the end it is a very complicated challenge, not yet going to high rhythms. I am surprised how a person can endure so much.
“Did the end surprised in Miami, with that ‘bird’ with how good she had gone until then?”
“Not because it can be a normal reaction of the body within the effort she has had with the changes in temperature, moisture, the gels that are taken that are indigestible, dehydration … I had a hard time because we had very few news of the race, The live emissions were sporadic and the information that arrived were not good: that if I was vomiting, that if I lost 20 minutes compared to the first one … when I arrived I was more calm.
“Gang, but without record …
—The initial objective was to finish, not make any brand. What he has done has been a consequence.
“Which has suffered more and which one has enjoyed more?”
—In the most enjoyed it has been in Jarama, in Madrid. I was there and was wrapped by her family. A pleasant day passed, although muscularly it has been the one that has cost him the most for the slopes that Jarama had. And the one that I have suffered most has been that of Miami for what already commented.
“Sport is healthy but what her daughter has done …”
“High competition elite sport is not healthy.” You take the body one hundred percent and even more. Fun sport is totally recommended. What Estefanía has done and what all elite athletes do is bring the body one hundred percent and in my opinion it is not healthy but the goal is another.
“Today anyone wants to run a marathon … What would you advise you?”
“Not everyone is able to make marathons.” They have to start little by little and see how the body responds. They must take it as entertainment. They must follow rhythms at a speed of being able to talk to another person next to him. Do not squeeze the body.
“You have seven children and 17 grandchildren, Verdeliss eight children … Do you already have a place to get together?”
“I did a little house very close to Pamplona and when I was designing it I told the architect that it was essential to have a room where 40 or 50 people can fit to eat. Every time we celebrate we all get together. This Sunday we celebrated the return of Estefanía.
“Do you remember the name of all grandchildren?”
– (laughs) It costs me. If I concentrate yes, but sometimes I call it with the name of another.
“Birthdays must be an economic ruin …
“And in Reyes I don’t even tell you … my wife has a prodigious memory and remembers all birthdays.” My wife, throughout the year, when you see toys offers you buy them and then distribute them …
“What difference is there between Estefanía and Verdeliss?”
“They are the same person.” Verdels is the name he took out for social networks. He has overcome difficult challenges throughout his life, that is being reflected in what he is doing. What surprises me most about Estefanía is not his capacity for effort, work, but his ability to communicate with people, which transmits. That does seem impressive to me.
“How do you carry this from social networks and that she is so well known, she has even participated in a GH?”
“I’ve been well, perfectly.” It is something she has decided, that works for her. It is part of his work, his company ‘Green Corners’ and his sports challenges. I have no problem. Being in public opinion is positive practically in everything. There is always someone who thinks against, but you have to accept it.
“Has your daughter’s fame changed your life?”
“I have changed in the sense that the press calls me more and because she greets me more people on the street, but I get it well and without problems.”
#Fernando #Unzu #father #coach #Verdelisss #secret #runs #talking