The president of the Popular Party (PP), Alberto Núñez Feijóo, threw more firewood this Thursday at the stake of the political battle of the week: the taxation of the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI) that faces the two partners of the coalition government. Feijóo took advantage of Nufri’s vegetable exploitation in Miralcamp in Lleida (Catalonia) to send a clear message on this matter. The terms “populism” and “fiscal hell” They give the key to the tone of their message.
After a few days of maximum tension in the coalition government for the aforementioned matter, staged on Tuesday by the spokesman Pilar Alegría and Vice President Yolanda Díaz, the ‘popular’ leader insisted on the line that opened Wednesday in the control session to the control session to the Government in the Congress of Deputies.
«The government says that the minimum wage rises, but, in reality, the tax collection rises. Upload 50 euros to workers, but 25 go taxes and the 25 remaining do not cover inflation »Feijóo explained before the media present. “The minimum wage increase is zero purchasing power for the worker and 1.2 billion euros of collection for the government,” he said.
The leader of the opposition, accompanied by the president of the PP in Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández, called these actions of “populist politics” and denounced The “fiscal hell” that exists in our country. “This type of populist policy that uses the increase in the minimum wage to increase fiscal pressure and tax collection, we must clearly denounce,” said Feijóo, who was convinced that the lowest income must be out of the personal income tax and described as “Not reasonable or ethical” Use a SMI rise to increase the fiscal collection of the administration.
«This socialist government will be The first in history that submits the minimum wage to taxation”Feijóo denounced who has committed to, in the case of reaching the Moncloa, the SMI of the Income Tax will be exonerated. It must be remembered that this Tuesday, the PP presented two law propositions in Congress and the Senate to demand from the Executive the withdrawal of this taxation. We can also and add, partner of the coalition government, presented propositions in that line.
«We bet on a decent income of the workers, for a tax containment of taxes and a productivity of our companies, lowering work absenteeism», Showed that the master lines of his and his party in this matter.
“I parked and mocked citizens”
Feijóo also entered to assess the clash shown by the Government of Coalition for the Taxation of the SMI and did not hesitate to ensure that The Executive “has made a fool of”. For the popular leader, the powerful image of a spokesman and a vice president confronted in public at the press conference last Tuesday that could see all of Spain shows the permanent and constant division among the ministers. Even so, the PP leader believes that everything “is a paripé and a mockery to all citizens.”
Nor does the opposition chief believe that Vice President Yolanda Díaz did not know that the Treasury was going to pay the SMI, as he defended on Thursday from Paris. “No one can believe,” according to Feijóo, who assured that The government has very little credibility. “The country cannot be in a type of division as large as the government, and the collapse and agony of the government is increasingly evident and that is harmful to all,” concluded the president of the PP.
Sánchez’s “confrontation policy” against Trump
The president of the PP also had time to refer to the position of Pedro Sánchez’s executive against the new US administration led by Donald Trump.
«Sánchez’s government confrontation policy with Trump No problem will be solved to any Spanish farmer ». Thus he criticized from the aforementioned exploitation to the government’s foreign policy against the US, taking advantage of his visit to an agricultural company.
This same Thursday, after the announcement that Trump and the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, were going to make contact to end the Ukraine War, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, in an interview on a French radio protested before That option, stating that the two leaders alone could not end the conflict without counting Ukraine and the rest of Europe. His partner, Margarita Robles, also referred in the same line in Brussels in a meeting between the NATO defense ministers, Done said that Russia had to be left with the idea that she had won the war.
#Feijóo #accuses #populism #lack #ethics #Sánchez #SMI #promises #eliminate #taxation #governs