With some regularity, each publication of two or three novels, a genre for which Fernando Aramburu’s literature is better known and celebrated, is followed by a storybook. The best known and rightly applauded was brought ‘The fish of … The bitterness’ in which he anticipated what was told about the tragedy of ETA, as suffered in peoples and families, which would give way to ‘Patria’ the novel that raised him.
There is before a magnificent storybook, entitled ‘The Fjardo Vigilante’, which, by the way, contained a story entitled ‘Kids with cap’, which may be the best of yours ETA terrorism.
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But that 2011 book dealt with other issues, and varied thematic, where the story that gave title to volume stood out. This volume is also titled as the story that closes it, ‘Fallen Man’, in which he tells how who does not want the thing the depth that Hate can reach, either between two brothers, either the institutional For the prescription of not helping an old fallen man on the sidewalk, without knowing where such order comes from, although the historical episodes of collective signaling that the allege reader of his memory can help him understand the deep meaning of the story.
In Aramburu’s style as a story writer, this fold usually occurs: after the appearance of a friendly, often domestic, inconsequential situation, some form of cruelty or selfishness is crouched. Always in peaceful appearance, once with marriages that seem to get along very well. That Atmosphere of townhouse, bourgeois life, With stable couples, three or four memorable stories have led in this book. For different reasons.
Once, as is the case in the story ‘ass up’ is the humor, which becomes hilarious For the situation created before the woman’s mania, in a trance to go conference, to have her ass roved (without the reader is never known to know what that defect is). The reactions of the husband, and his comments, make him not leave the reader to smile throughout the story, until he reaches the laugh at some point.
After the appearance of a friendly, inconsequential situation, he ages a cruelty or selfishness
In thus, from well avenues, a dramatic story such as the longest story of the set, the titled ‘Klaus’, in which the detail of a relationship between two marriages of adjacent chalets once is once aimed, can arise once. The protagonist’s disease is known that gives title to the story. The delinquency with which the story is counted is eloquent and appropriate to the petty background that ends up revealing.
Some story like another of those that seem more successful to me, the titled ‘Last night of poor’, has a direct sarcastic ending. The tragic situation is not always deduced from an intrigue argument, other times The extreme pain of the protagonist of ‘Chiefs photos’ It manages to explain, from elusive signs, the unplanned outcome. Amburu goes much better to put the retina in the daily life of marriage or parents and children than when the outcome forces to trigger a fantastic result, which resolves, in my opinion, with less tino.
Irresoluble dilemmas
It happens both in the story ‘Bades of hands’ as in ‘La Tercez’, in which the development and end of history does not resolve well. And that Aramburu is very skilled in the construction of plots that raise irresoluble dilemmas, as the story titled precisely ‘Dilemma’ tells. In their way of assembling conflicts there is almost always a background moral issue, which faces their characters with hidden faces about themselves, that their appearance did not seem to anticipate.
Another excellent condition cannot be pointed out: it furnishs each plot with a apparent narrative simplicity That makes you enjoy it as if you read comfortably at home a completely friendly story a little before the restlessness.
#Fallen #Man #Fernando #Aramburu #Domestic #surprises