Invest more in Europe. This is the slogan to which the main governments of the old continent against the new environment that is designing the administration of Donald Trump, which has broken all consensus in international and economic politics that have governed transatlantic relations since the end of World War II.
Actually, the arrival of the Republican to the White House and its apparently bizarre measures have accelerated a process that the reports prepared by Mario Draghi and Enrico Letta had already drawn to boost the economy of the old continent. But rearma programs to deal with uncertainty about Russia, to which strong investments in infrastructure are added such as that announced by Germany, allow to glimpse a period of strong increase in spending at a time when governments already accumulate high levels of debt.
How to share this disbursement and participate in profits at the same time to European investors is the dilemma to which the European Union is faced. But the idea is clear: awakening the sleeping money in European household depositswhich already exceeds 14 billion euros, and convince the savers of the benefits of investing in their own economy, taking into account that in the last decade the weight of European companies in the stock market funds with UCits stamp (a brand that not only serves to distribute funds in Europe in Europe but in other regions such as Asia) has dropped to 34%, with data of 2023 54% who represented a decade earlier.
A period in which, on the contrary, The US weight has doubled to 44% which now has thanks to the extraordinary revaluation obtained by the American indexes for the pull of technological companies. In fact, this sector captures something more than a fifth of the exhibition of European stock market funds.
There are already initiatives to make investment in Europe attractive. Last week, the Minister of Economy, Carlos Body, and the European Commissioner for Financial Services, MarĂa Luis Alburquerque, presented in Madrid a proposal of the Competitiveness Laboratory, promoted by Spain together with Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Netherlands and Luxembourg, to design a label that identifies certain financial products that would have certain fiscal advantages.
The intention is to present a more tangible proposal before the summer so that each country of the laboratory (the central nucleus of the EU) can adopt the necessary changes in their respective laws and accelerate the process that brushes Brussels with the Panaeuropeas accounts in the Savings and Investments Union (SIA), whose draft is expected to present today, that with the community legislative deadlines it will take much longer to see much longer to see the light to see the light to see much more time effective
In favor of this conversion of European savers in investors of the companies in the region there is a factor that until recently was a ballast: the momentum of markets. The emergence of the Chinese firm Deep Seek disrupted the narrative about the artificial intelligence that had maintained high growth expectations on large technological values, despite finding its quotes at maximum.
The fears that the US economy also enters an unknown land with the tariff measures applied by Trump have re -placed Europe in the portfolio of international investors, as a sample of again the survey of Bank of America’s portfolios managers, which reveals for the first time one overpower to the old continent, the second greatest increase in what goes from the century.
Keep in mind that this strong weight of North American companies is also driven by the rise of passive management in recent years, which has become an easy way to access markets for new generations, due to the speed provided by digital platforms. This is proven to see that the ETFs already represent 14% of the total volume of assets of European investment funds, with data at the close of 2024, a year in which they attracted 44% of the net flows. In fact, the Bolsa ETFs attracted 192,000 million euros, while active funds suffered reimbursements, worth 51,000 million.
When analyzing the global allocation of European funds by countries, not only is the greatest preference for the United States, but also the little weight from France (5%) and Germany (4%)the same percentage that Japan and China represent and below 9% that the United Kingdom is.
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