The movie ‘Elena knows’, based on Claudia Piñeiro’s successful novel of the same name, conquered the Netflix streaming platform. This feature film follows the story of a woman (played by Mercedes Morán) who suffers from terminal Parkinson’s. In her search to discover the person responsible for her daughter’s unexpected death Rita (represented by Erica Rivas), the plot develops. The film directed by Anahi Berneri begins with Elena taking a stressful train ride from the suburbs into the city in search of help from her daughter’s friend, who is now a lawyer. However, due to the hustle and bustle, the noise, and her illness, the woman faints.
Then, ‘Elena knows’ takes us a few days earlier in the life of Rita, who in addition to working at a school and striving to build a new life with her boyfriend Pablo, also took care of her mother. At the time of her disappearance, he left her at a beauty salon, but did not return for her. It is the Police that is in charge of communicating the tragic news.
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Explained ending of ‘Elena knows’, was Rita killed or was she killed?
Although all signs point towards a possible suicide, given that Rita She was found hanging in the church bell tower and was known to be on medication for depression. Elena He refuses to accept that his daughter has taken her life. She insists that an investigation be carried out to find whoever is responsible for Rita’s death. Her main suspects are the local priest and a student who harassed the teacher.
Since there is no evidence to suggest that it is a homicide, the Police choose to file the case. Despite this, her mother decides to undertake an investigation on her own with the assistance of one of the officers. She even confronts Father Juan and the daughter of the Zacotti, an influential family, which leads her to face some problems.
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After talking with the doctor who prescribed antidepressants to Rita and with father Juan, Elena begins to reconstruct her daughter’s last days. It becomes clear that Rita was exhausted from caring for her mother and, as Rita’s illness Elena worsened, Rita’s desire to live diminished. Furthermore, she talks to Pablo, who explains to her that Rita ended her romantic relationship shortly before, despite having marriage plans, because she had to take care of Elena. At that moment, the sick woman remembers the retirement home card that she found among her daughter’s belongings, which helps her better understand the situation.
When he finally arrives at Isabel’s house, Elena He tells him that he is there to claim the favor he owes him. The lawyer does not understand, so the woman points out that thanks to Rita She has a beautiful daughter and she must return the favor by taking care of the investigation into Rita’s death. Isabel clarifies that she is not in debt because she never wanted to become a mother.
At the end of ‘Elena knows’, the protagonist accepts the possibility that her daughter may have taken her own life due to the emotional burden of caring for her while she struggled with her illness. With the resignation of having no more answers, and with bittersweet memories of her daughter, Elena returns to the train station to return to her house.
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