Electricity | Electricity is really expensive right now – The graphic shows the situation

Severe frosts increase electricity consumption. Consumption already hurt to numbers yesterday, the likes of which were not seen all last year.

Exchange electricity the price will jump considerably high this morning, according to the electricity exchange Nord Pool of information. The most expensive electricity is between eight and nine in the morning, when the taxable price of stock exchange electricity is almost 60 cents per kilowatt hour.

The price of electricity will remain higher than the previous days throughout the rest of the day, but the price peak in the morning will no longer be reached. The average taxed price of electricity is about 22 cents per kilowatt hour today. Most recently, the average price has jumped in equally hard readings at the beginning of December.

To Finland severe frosts are promised for this week throughout the country, from a few dozen in the south to almost forty in the north. Severe frosts and the resulting increased demand for electricity raise the price of electricity.

The grid company Fingrid estimates that electricity consumption could rise to 14,300 megawatts this week. Monday evening number already exceeded 13,900 megawatts.

“The demand peak depends on how high the frost gets and how long it lasts”, Fingrid's control room manager Arto Pahkin told STT at the weekend.

In 2023, the peak demand for electricity was seen at the end of November, when consumption reached its highest level of around 13,200 megawatts. Of all time recorda good 15,100 megawatts, is from winter 2016.

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