Gaudí, Feroz and Goya. Eduard Sol House in Flames. And again, he has conquered his speech again. If in the first awards he embraced his pride Charnego and in the seconds he defended culture as a weapon against dehumanization; Mothers have been the protagonists of their third Speech.
The screenwriter recalled a feature film scene in which the character of Montse (Emma Vilarasau) tells him that “love is to give without receiving anything in return.” She responds sharp, after raising her finger: “And shit.” “I and my generation are children of a multitude of supermadres, they were required to work from home, without detaching themselves from work within it. They dressed us, they fed us, they raised us while combining all this with eight hours of worse paid than their male counterparts, ”he began by saying.
“No one offered an alternative to this model based on the resignation of their own life. Many parents were not up to it, nor the welfare state, ”he said.
Like the protagonist of House in FlamesEduard Solo has affirmed that, therefore, “all these supermadres, they could raise their finger and send us to shit.” “The sacrifices they made for us are still an account without paying,” he added before encouraging the public to send a message to their mothers: “Let’s say, even if not, we are aware of everything they did for us, than We want them and that thanks for being there. ”
“Let’s build a world in which care is not based on anyone’s sacrifice. Let’s bet on a upbringing that does not need supermadres, but only mothers, fathers with the social and economic structure necessary to be able to educate in freedom and dignity, ”he concluded.
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