In the doping case of the BOB stake in Simon Wulff, the B test is also positive. As the Saxon newspaper reports, according to Wulff’s lawyer Thomas Summerer, confirmed the find of the substance of methyl hexanamine. “It is still inexplicable to us what the source of contamination could be,” said the lawyer. He expects a decision in May at the earliest.
The 24 -year -old spider of Olympic champion Francesco Friedrich had been demonstrated in a competition test on December 7th. The substance is contained in so -called slimmers and nutritional supplements and is now one of the most frequently found stimulants in doping samples.
Athlete Sara Benfares
:The end of a bizarre doping affair
First there was talk of bone cancer at the former athlete Sara Benfares, then of a “diffuse bone disease”: instead, the court sees a violation of the anti-doping law-and imposes a fine.
“Therefore, we are currently analyzing some nutritional supplements that my client has taken to track down relieving circumstances,” said Summerer. Wulff has to bear the costs for this, the international association refused to support according to the lawyer.
Whether Wulff can be at the Olympic Games in the coming year depends heavily on the success of these analyzes. “I got to know Simon as a very integrated person and I wish him from the heart that he and his supporters succeed in finding the contamination source,” said Thomas Schwab, head of the BOB and SCHLOTENBEIGE Germany (BSD). “Only in this way would he have a chance to be there with the Francesco Friedrich team at Olympia in Cortina.” The ex-light athlete had been released by the BSD as a precaution in order to exclude possible retrospective sanctions against the team. The World Association IBSF had not temporarily blocked Wulff. The result management lies with the international agency ITA, which also had the samples analyzed.
The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) has been warning of methylhexanamine on its website since 2010. At the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, the biathlete Evi Diesbacher stand was positively tested for the remedy and closed for two years, the international sports court CAS shortened the lock later to six months. Dietbacher stand had explained the positive test by taking a contaminated tea powder.
#Doping #case #Wulffs #Bsample #positive #Berlin