Dogs prioritize texture to the way of identifying objects

Although the owners try that their dog Pass as long as possible on the street, walking and socializing with other animals, it is inevitable that for a long time you have to entertain with your toys. And, unintentionally, dogs accumulate dozens of belongings of all Forms POSSIBLE: Bullfighting, ropes, stuffed animals, balls …

But, when choosing, how do dogs identify these objects? According to a study From researchers from Eötvös Lorand University (Budapest) published in Scientific Reports, prioritize the texture to the form.

To get to this conclusion, these scientists recruited 35 dogs who were trained to discriminate object objective among many other “distractors”, who intended to capture their attention and confuse them. His mission was to locate that object and recover it for its owner.

His choice It was evaluated by eight tests. In four of them, the dogs were presented with the following dilemma: choosing between the trained objective object and an object with a similar shape or texture. In the other four, they had to choose between two objects: one similar in form to the objective, but with different texture, and another with the same texture but different shape.

Dogs are guided by texture

In this exercise, the dogs trusted more of the texture than the form. They first approached the object that coincided with the form, but finally they stayed with the object that coincided with the texture, suggesting that they first tended to use the view to approach the apparently similar object in the “model”, but then they were guided by touch signals.

After the behavior of the hairy, the researchers argue that this preference It may reflect the “importance of texture in object discrimination tasks” when the task implies the manipulation of objects, because “it provides outstanding tactile and sensory signals that dogs can perceive and differentiate easily.”

Beyond the vision, which was thought predominant, the “results provide the first evidence that dogs can also use touch information to solve this type of object discrimination tasks,” the authors argue.

#Dogs #prioritize #texture #identifying #objects

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