The unidentified flying object terms, better known by the acronym UFO, refers to the observation of a hypothetical flying object that It cannot be identified by the observer.
Most have a rational explanation, but if we walk and see something suspicious in the sky, What should we do? He Mirror collect in a report how to act.
Keep calm and look closely
The first thing is to keep calm, since emotion or panic can distort the details. Many UFO sightings can be explained logically: they could be satellites, drones or military aircraft.
However, a careful observation It can help determine if what you have seen is really extraordinary. Pay attention to five aspects: its shape (was a saucer shape, was it spherical, triangular, cylindrical?); to its size, comparing it with common objects (such as a plane, the moon or a car); color and lights (did it have unusual colors, flashing lights or a brightness?); Sound (was I completely silent or made a buzz, a roar?); And the speed and movement (did you floated, moved quickly, did Zigzag suddenly disappeared?).
The credibility of your story depends on the speed with which you write down what you have seen. The more registration details, the more solid your report will be. Take note of the time, The place, climatic conditions and any significant environmental factor.
Get images and videos: You can use your mobile phone to take photographs or videos, making sure to include reference points for the scale.
If the quality of the video is not good or the object moves too fast, A sketch It can help recreate sighting.
Finally, use flight monitoring applications such as Flightradar24which can help discard known aircraft or satellites.
Look for other witnesses
The credibility of an sighting increases when Several people report similar observations. If other people have witnessed the same event, ask them for their descriptions to avoid influencing their memory. Exchange contact data in case more information arises and give them up to register their experience independently.
Notify the authorities
In informing about their sighting, experts can analyze the data and distinguish between genuine anomalies and explainable events. However, ABLACE TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE POLICE Unless there is an immediate security problem, such as a possible accident or an object that interferes with aviation.
Avoid misinformation and stay updated
UFO reports can quickly become conspiracy theories on the Internet. Be careful to share your experience in social networks. Instead, look for reliable sources as government disseminations and official databases or expert analysis of scientific and aeronautical communities.
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