Today, Friday, January 10, 2025, the Christian Saints celebrate the Saint of Saint Agathon Popefollowed by other names that you can consult right here.
Saint Agathon, born in Palermo in 577, after the death of his father, decided to donate all his assets and join the Benedictine monastery of Saint Hermes in his hometown. In 678, he was chosen to succeed Pope Domno. Recognized for his affable and compassionate character, he managed to carry out his efforts to achieve ecclesiastical peace. He presided over the VI Ecumenical Council, known as the Trulan Council, in which Monothelism was condemned in memory of Pope Honorius. Unfortunately, he died in 681 before the conclusion of the Council.
The Catholic Church celebrates the name day of some of the canonized people every day of the year. Today, Friday, January 10, 2025 is Saint Agathon Pope and in Spain they celebrate their saint. Although today it is known for the day mentioned above, people called Aldo, Archon, Domitian, Gonzalo, Gregory of Nyssa, William of Bourges, John the Good Bishop, Leonia Francisca de Sales Aviat, Marcian Presbyter, Melquiades, Nicanor also celebrate their name day. deacon, Pablo eremita, Pedro Orseolo, Petronio, Valerio del Bierzo,.
Below you will find a list of the saints or saints that correspond to today, Friday, January 10, 2025, according to our Hispanic tradition and the dates of celebration of Catholic festivities, all of them related to events in the life of Jesus and the history of the church.
He Roman Martyrology collects the names of the saints as we know them. This name refers to a type of catalog that the Vatican updates by admitting new saints after canonization.
Why do we celebrate saint’s day of each person? This tradition comes from the Christian faith and celebrates the life of a relevant person within the Catholic religion who dedicated/gave his life to bring the Christian faith to people who needed it.
Saints of today January 10
Although today’s celebration is Saint Agathon Popethe saints list is much larger so today they also commemorate their saint Aldo, Archon, Domitian, Gonzalo, Gregory of Nyssa, William of Bourges, John the Good Bishop, Leonia Francisca de Sales Aviat, Marcian Priest, Melquiades, Nicanor Deacon, Paul hermit, Pedro Orseolo, Petronio, Valerio del Bierzo,. This is because today, January 10, is also the onomastics of:
© Library of Christian Authors (JL Repetto, All Saints. 2007)
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