Discover the Hygge: how the Danes have managed to be one of the happiest in the world

Denmark has been replaced among the happiest countries in the world, specifically in the second position after Finland, which repeats at the top of the World Report on Happiness 2025 published by the Network of Solutions for Sustainable Development of the United Nations every March 20 coinciding with the International Happiness Day.

The Nordic countries have been placed in the Top 10 of the classification and Denmark repeats in second place as it has been making in the last reports and a happiness of its inhabitants attributed to the concept of the concept of the Hygge.

The origin of the Danish word ‘hygge’

Hygge It is a philosophy of life of which the Danes are their flag bearers around the world, which has set this concept since the country has placed among the happiest worldwide. A method that has a complicated translation to be a specific term of the Danish, but that is attributed to the word “warmth” as the closest in Spanish.

The word ‘hygge’ is believed to have its origin in the Norwegian and means’ well -being. However, it is also assumed that it could come from ‘Hugge’ (hug), from the ancient Nordic “Hygga” that is attributed to “reconfort”, or “Humr” which means mood.

Without being clear about its origin, the word first appeared in a writing in the nineteenth century, and works both as a substantive, as a verb and adjective, having as much derivatives both Hygeligt as Hygelig. When translating it into different languages, it loses the nuances that make it up, although there are similar terms such as ‘Gezelligheid’ in Dutch, ‘Koselig’ in Norwegian or ‘Gemütlichkeit’ in German.

What is Hygge, the secret of the happiness of the Danes

He Hygge It has different nuances, but it could be described as “being with the people we love, a feeling of home” as stated Meik Wiking, Director of the Happiness Research Institute In his book Hygge, happiness in little things.

A concept, however, that is also attributed to “satisfaction” or “gratitude” and that are often related to a greater sense of happiness. The Danes get to use it to choose a cafeteria for their degree of “hygge”, as well as for interior decoration in which elements such as lighting, clothing play a key point.

He Hygge It also has its moments of the year that are more related to this term as is the case of Christmas, winter with elements such as chimney, sails or a blanket, as well as summer with the sun and greater sociability with people who form our circle.

Anyway, it is a very entrenched word in the way of life of the Danish, which reaches all kinds of social classes, to different areas of society and also relates to food such as enjoying cakes, beers with friends, or any activity that is good for oneself.

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