One of Marvel’s most anticipated animated projects is Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Although it was originally thought that this series would be a prequel to the Spider-Man we find in the MCU, during the last D23 event, new information about this production has been revealed, clarifying multiple doubts about the story.
To start off, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man takes place outside of the MCU, so this time around the creators have the freedom to use classic Spider-Man characters. While classic elements of the character are retained, such as the fact that he is a student, this series will introduce us to a couple of interesting ideas, like the fact that the spider that bites Peter comes from another dimensionor the fact that Norman Osborn will be our protagonist’s mentor.
Along with that, The presence of characters such as Venom and Dr. Strange has also been confirmed, who will have an important role throughout the series.Unfortunately, there are still many unresolved questions, such as the release date of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. However, it seems that the project is taking shape more and more.
In this way, We just have to wait for it Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man coming to Disney+ in a yet-to-be-determined future. In related news, here’s Marvel’s upcoming release schedule. Also, this is who will be the villain of Spider-Man Noir.
Author’s Note:
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man It looks like an interesting project. After a long time without any information, the details that were given during D23 give us a better vision for this series, and it could very well become one of the most interesting Spider-Man products in the future.
Via: Vandal
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