The designer Lola Casademunt has died at the age of 93as confirmed by sources from the fashion brand, who have not yet revealed the causes. The Catalan businesswoman had created her brand, present every year on the Madrid fashion catwalk and responsible for very feminine and colorful garments, in 1981, after being widowed and with four children in her care.
For a few years now one of his daughters, Maite, led the companythe youngest. The firm has stores throughout the country and in Portugal, and is also present in several branches of El Corte Inglés.
«Mrs. Lola is and will be the reason for our company’s existence. A strong and resilient woman who, in 1981, when she became a widow with four children, decided to start a project with the aim of supporting her family. And thus LOLA CASADEMUNT was born. Ms. Lola made this the project of her life and her ambition, values and commitment will continue to be our goal to make her legacy continue,” the announcement reads.
And he adds that the businesswoman was “an example for all of us with her pioneering vision, her tenacity and perseverance. “We are left with all the lessons and wise learning that he taught us for so many years.”
Lola Casademunt began her journey making bows, headbands and other haberdashery details in your home. When his daughter Maite finished her design career, she joined the business. Together they made it grow to what it is today.
Her clothes are current, focused on a mature and active woman, with strong colors and floral or animal print prints. The model Nieves Álvarez has been her image for years.
#Designer #Lola #Casademunt #dies