There is the general belief that showering every day is good for our body. Now, although it helps eliminate the accumulation of dirt, sweat and bacteria that accumulate on the surface of the skin, No It is not positive for Our dermatological health.
Moreover, Experts from Harvard University have stated that the ideal would be to shower four times a weekwith warm water instead of very hot and a duration of approximately three minutes. And it is that the repeated use of soap and water can cause us skin damage as Picores, infections or allergic reactions.
To take into account
In the opinion of the dermatologist of the Clinic Teskinmed and author of the book Two hearts under the same skin, Maroñas Lidiatends to rub the sponge too much and use an excess of soap when really “It is not necessary and can even be harmful to the health of dry skins, atopic skins or sensitive skins“
In fact, it must be used a Reasonable quantity soap, Gently passing the sponge and even the hand through all apocrine or responsible areas of bad smell that accumulate more seborrhea and detritus and require more daily cleaning as The armpits, folds or intimate zone.
In ‘Telva‘, has recommended that when choosing a gel, a soap or an oil, we have to look at “cleaning gels that do not Do a lot of soapSyndet type, or Good oils or cleaners because in addition to cleaning they are more respectful of the skin barrier components“
“If the shower gel is well formulated, it does not have to be necessarily Better a cleaning oil. But in cases of sensitive or very dry skin and dehydrated or with dermatitis, it is better to opt for An oil or bálsamo body cleaner“The specialist has concluded.
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