On Wednesday, December 4, after 7 p.m., the temperature dropped below eight degrees in Paris. The night was already dark and closed and the humidity, on the banks of the Seine, gave morbidity to the scene. The National Assembly strutted, as so many times in history, it was an important night. The extreme right of Marine Le Pen joined the motion of censure presented by the left and Michel Barnier, from the traditional right-wing family of The Republicans, became the most short-lived prime minister since 1958. The former head of the French Executive arrived at the Hôtel de Matignon due to an agreement forged by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, in order to isolate the left. The Popular Front had won the legislative elections last summer. Au RevoirMichel.
The social democratic German chancellor Olaf Scholf is already the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The calendar is accelerated and The Bundestag elections are just around the corner, on February 23. Scholf shows solidarity with Ukraine to appear tough to Vladimir Putin in the face of his electorate, but at the same time maneuvers so that the war with Russia does not escalate, that NATO remains on the sidelines and the conflict rests. A tightening of it would directly affect Germany’s economy. The cold Central European winter is already here and German energy sovereignty is becoming less and less sovereign.
In reality, according to polls, the German Social Democrats have little chance of winning the February elections, but they do have a chance of joining the a new grand coalition with the CDU/CSUthe traditional right of the State and its Bavarian variant, which is competing in the polls with the AFD, the German extreme right with neo-Nazi overtones. The game in the main economy of the Euro zone is there: traditional right vs ultra right. A game that is being played in many other latitudes of the global panorama.
Without going any further, Valladolid. While this Wednesday in the French National Assembly, in Paris, the motion of censure of the French prime minister was being debated, in the Cortes of Castilla y León, a proposed anti-hoax law was admitted for processing, presented by Unidas Podemos, a coalition that only has one attorney in the regional parliament. PSOE, Unión del Pueblo Leonés, Soria Ya and, obviously, Unidas Podemos voted in favor. The PP of Alfonso Fernández Mañueco did it against it. It was admitted for processing (here’s the gist) thanks to Vox’s abstention. Once again, in another completely different territorial parameter, we see the confrontation between the traditional right and the extreme right. There are those who say that this week’s vote anticipates the disagreement so that the PP Board can carry out the 2025 Budgets. An electoral advance could be drawing in Castilla y León, according to some authorized voices.
The dispute between PP and Vox in the Spanish State is not only a constant, but it largely marks the focus of the Spanish political debate. The Spanish right and its “virtuous competition” keeps its forces in tension and this is clearly reflected in the polls, they mark the game board and the pace of the debate. The left, which governs, are in this sense, behind.
In relation to this, the latest coup d’état was marked by Vox (for a change) this week with the announcement that will not support the regional Budgets of the autonomous communities in which the PP They need them to get things done. The PP will sweat it out in the coming weeks if it wants to demonstrate that it has the capacity to govern not only in Castilla y León, but also in Extremadura, Aragón, País Valencià, Murcia and the Balearic Islands. The crisis that Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s party may face in a few weeks is of great magnitude.
The traditional right faces, in short, a paradigmatic debate throughout the world. The political families of conservatives, christian democrats and, also, liberals receive an order that makes them stagger in the last decade and that threatens to end our way of being. The traditional right is torn between supporting the Western democratic model that emerged in the second half of the 20th century or allowing itself to be seduced by the reactionary delusions of the beginning of the 21st century. For now, the balance seems to balance towards the second option.
After Donald Trump’s victory in the United States presidential elections last November, this debate is on fire. The German elections in February take on a leading role in this sense. The love-hate of PP and Vox in Spain has multiple readings. Santiago Abascal was in Argentina this week as a guest of honor at an ultra summit with Javier Milei of host. Feijóo asks to speak… and does not dare to reach an agreement with the Government to relocate children crowded in the Canary Islands to the rest of the State. Democracy is ignored by the traditional right.
#Democracy #traditional