Degradation treatments | Basic Finns and Christian Democrats: Decomposition treatments will not be banned

The consideration of the legal committee’s report on the banning of rehabilitation treatments was postponed from Wednesday to next week.

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The government will not issue a bill on the banning of integrative treatments, fundamental Finns and Christian Democrats are told.

Jani Mäkelä (ps) and Peter Östman (kd) emphasize that the issue has not been agreed upon in the government program.

The Law Committee is dealing with a citizen’s initiative on the banning of rehabilitation treatments.

Government will not issue a bill to ban reintegration treatments, says the chairman of the Basic Finnish parliamentary group Jani Mäkelä and chairman of the Christian Democratic parliamentary group Peter Ostman.

“It is not possible, the government does not prepare laws without consensus. And there is no consensus on this topic”, says Mäkelä.

Östman is on the same lines, according to whom there are no plans to change the matter during this term of office either.

“This is not in the government program. Citizen initiatives have their own process, but there will be no government proposal for this,” Östman states.

Parliamentary the legal committee is currently dealing with a citizen’s initiative to ban reintegration treatments. Degradation treatments refer to methods that try to change representatives of sexual minorities into heterosexuals. Gender minorities are also tried to change with treatments.

According to Mäkelä, Perussuomalaiset views such a law “sceptically and cautiously”.

“Such a law would be quite an interesting interference with individual freedom. I wouldn’t go out of my way to deny that, what things and how a person can do therapy in his own place if he wants to,” states Mäkelä.

According to Östman, the citizens’ initiative’s narrative about rehabilitation treatments would seem to be too one-sided.

“It is not clear whether the matter could even be prohibited from the point of view of criminal law,” states Östman.

Legal Committee on Wednesday had to decide on its report on the citizens’ initiative aimed at banning reintegration treatments. However, the case was postponed to next week.

The opposition parties Sdp, the Greens and the Left Alliance, as well as the government party Rkp, support the banning of consolidating treatments by law.

The coalition’s caucus position is also the prohibition of treatments, but in the legal committee, the party has supported writing the draft report in such a way that it does not require the government to prepare a law, but only to clarify the issue.

According to the draft report seen by HS, based on the citizens’ initiative or the committee’s expert consultations, it is not possible to get “a clear and comprehensive picture of the manifestations, prevalence, implementers, victims, qualities and quantities of the rehabilitation treatments referred to in the citizens’ initiative in Finland”.

Basic Finns According to Mäkelä, it is a good question why the law should even be clarified during this government term.

“You have to remember that even finding out takes time and money. Now that the savings are on, we have to ask where the time and money will be taken for the investigation, which is not even in accordance with the government’s program”, says Mäkelä.

“It is quite difficult to see that if this is not going to be implemented, then why should we even find out?”

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