There are rights that often enter into conflict. In this era of proliferation of True Crimethe old debate between Freedom of expressionguardianship of victims, ethics, justice and morality. This summer transcended the news of the book that Daniel Sancho would be writing from the Thailand prison, while the first novel by Alfonso Basterra has been published, convicted of the murder of the Little Asunta. This week, we have also known the publication of Hatethe book that collects the version of José Breton, the monster of the burners that burned his two children small in 2011.
The conversations between journalists and murderers have always raised controversy and interest in equal parts. In certain cases, the exploration of evil would be justified by a Journalistic work or informative, which is often useful in Criminology studies, in order to establish Behavior patternsprevention guidelines, treatment criteria or analysis of the action of the judicial authority itself. In any case, talking to evil can Be dangerousand nothing reflects it better than the history of the Pulitzer Norman Mailer award.
The writer Norman Maile published THE VERDUGO SONG In 1979, a book based on the convict Gary Gilmorethat earned him the famous award. While writing the letter came into contact with Jack Henry Abbottone of Utah’s most dangerous prisoners, known for being a violent murderer and thief. In his prison stay, Abbott developed his interest in literature and exchanged correspondence With Mailer, which was impressed by the murderer’s prose.
Abbott’s stories They helped him To finish his work and, convinced of his literary talent, he facilitated the murderer the publication of In the Belly of the Beasta book that collected the letters between the two, focused on the brutality of the penitentiary system. It was a success. Mailer was so pledge of Abbott’s talent, that influenced his imprisonment In 1981. But just six weeks after being released, Abbott killing again. After the writer, the murderer prevailed.
On March 26 it will be published Hateby Luisgé Martín, the fruit of his conversations with José Bretón. In his writing the murderer confesses the crime of his children and explains the reasons that led him to commit it. A similar dynamic arose between the writer Emmanuel Carrère and the murderer scammer Jean-Claude Romand. He made his family believe that he was a successful doctor when in reality he had never finished his medical studies. He kept the farce for 18 years until in 1993 He decided to kill his family in order not to face reality and be discovered. Emmanuel Carrère, fascinated by history, decided to write about Romand from a literary and psychological perspective, trying to get away from sensationalism, to emphasize the exploration of self -deception and identity.
There will be those who believe in a true redemption, but, seen the profile, weighs the idea of narcissistic relief
The objective of writers such as Luisgé Martín or Carrère would be justified under his vocationbut doubtful is the interest of the interviewee. What Breton expects from that publication? From the Public Ministry they seem to be clear: a literary text has no value to achieve Penitentiary permits. There will be those who believe in a true redemption, but, seen the profile, weighs the idea of narcissistic relief.
Those publications that are born from a journalistic interest from those that are mere could be differentiated Expressions of a criminal. It seems to change the point of view when the murderer interviewed writer or co -author. Our perception of the ideal varies, and we resume the eternal question of whether it is possible separate the author from his work. One way to check the temperature of our point of view is to observe the criticisms of Alfonso Basterra’s book.
On the web you can read “Love, humor and heartbreak, the novel I quote It is an example of sublime art And always attractive to narrate (…) the journalist Alfonso Basterra premieres in the novel with a unique and very suggestive book. ” Nor Atisbo from the criminal, except in the comments, for example, on Amazon, where it can be read “Since when is he given a voice To this kind of beings? “,” Can someone really buy a book written by this being? “
It is also worth asking whether we reject the writings published by our murderers as those written by the foreigners Morality or curiosity would prevail more, for example, if a book written by Jack the stripper? How many would buy it? Nor would it be Baladí to consider whether the temporary distance with the event would influence our consideration. Today who observes the works of Caravaggio not even remember that he was a dark guy who used to get into fights and kill a man. The accusations about Woody Allen’s behaviors do not seem sexual relations with a minor and since then avoids stepping eeuu.
There is a risk of normalizing behaviors, glorifying your person and promoting revictimization
There are dangers when separating the individual from the individual. There is a risk of normalizing behaviors, glorify your person and promote revictimization. The context should also be valued, especially if today’s moral standards are applied to certain behaviors of the past. On the other hand, it is no less true that there are works that transcend the author, although they would never be possible if their identity. Perhaps there is a degree of severity of the crime or the quality of the work that gives it an independent artistic value.
In the 70s, John Wayne Gacy, The clown murderer, killed and raped about 30 men. He used to list, satisfied, the amount of literature written about his person. Books, works theater, movies and songs. Until he emboldened his own memoir: A Question of Doubtpublished in 1992. OJ Simpson also caused scrambled with If i did ita book in which I narrated, hypothetically, the alleged crime of his ex -wife Nicole Brown and his friend Ron Golsman. Finally, the editorial stopped the publication and justice ended up granting the rights to the Goldman as part of the payment of compensation. Simpson had been acquitted of the criminal, but convicted in a civil trial.
It is so difficult to separate the author from his work, as the criminal of the person. If justice cannot always determine what is right and what is wrong, because the expression It is a right And because the opposite would be censorship, responsibility seems to fall on individual action. It is in each one to value if more the morbidity and curiosity can, or ethics and morality.
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