Daniel Bisogno's family would be considering moving him to the USA so that he can continue there with his rehabilitation and treatment to improve his health, as they make known in the program 'Gossip No Like'.
In the aforementioned YouTube program they mention that there is too much secrecy in the hospital where he has been admitted for several days. Daniel Bisognocomment in 'Gossip No Like', also that They would be deciding whether to take the driver of 'Ventaneando' to the USA.
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Javier Ceriani, host of 'Chisme No Like', highlights that on the morning of this Wednesday, February 21, he was informed about the supposed transfer of Daniel Bisogno to the USA, but it was not confirmed.
Cristina RIva Palacio, ex-wife of Daniel Bisognois the one who has been aware of him at all times, who is originally from Mexico City and who is 50 years old.
Daniel Bisogno He has been intubated since last February 15, Pati Chapoy announced in 'Ventaneando', unfortunately he has faced problems with his health since May 2023.
To date, no family member of Daniel Bisogno has given information about the real state of health of the famous host of 'Ventaneando', who is also an actor and theater producer.
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#Daniel #Bisogno39s #family #contemplating #transferring #TREATMENT