Expenditure on heating has become one of the headaches of Spanish households, taking into account that it is estimated that 3.5 million people suffer from energy povertythat is, they do not have funds to heat their house.
Furthermore, it must be taken into account that around 9 million homes have thermal and acoustic insulation. insufficient. In this situation, any help to maintain the temperature in the home is welcome. One of the traditional solutions is curtains, a simple and accessible option that in theory can contribute to the thermal insulation of rooms.
Curtains act as a barrier that reduces convection by trapping air between the fabric and the window, creating a layer of stationary air that functions as an insulator. The objective is that the hot air in the room does not escape to the outside, either by transmission through the glass and window frames, or by radiation.
In this sense, curtains have little effect with well-insulated windows, for example, with triple glass and thermal break in the frame, which present minimal heat losses to the outside. But when our home has leaky windows, the extra layer of insulation from curtains can make all the difference. In winter, curtains can reduce heat loss in a room by up to 10%. If the curtain is sealed around the window (a rare occurrence), the savings could increase up to 29%.
The effectiveness of curtains also depends on various factors such as material, design, length and location with respect to the windows.
The fabric of insulating curtains
One of the aspects to evaluate the insulating capacity of curtains is the type of fabric. Curtains made with thick fabrics, such as velvet, wool or fabrics with thermal coatings, offer a greater capacity to retain interior heat and block the entry of cold. These materials create an effective barrier that limits drafts that can seep through window cracks.
In contrast, curtains made of light fabrics such as cotton or linen have lower insulating effectiveness, although they can be combined with thermal linings to improve their performance. Fabrics that incorporate specific technologies, such as reflective or insulating layers, are also gaining popularity due to their ability to increase the energy efficiency of the home, as they also prevent excessive heating in summer.
The length of the curtains
What is better, putting long or short curtains? Floor-length curtains, and especially those that extend beyond the edges of the window, are most effective at sealing window leaks and preventing cold air from entering the room. On the other hand, curtains that end just above the sill or do not completely cover the sides of the window allow heat to escape more easily. If we install the curtain rod or rail so that it is as close to the wall as possible, this also helps to improve its insulating function.
On which windows to put curtains
The position of the windows in relation to the sun will also determine the most suitable type of curtain. On south-facing windows, where direct sunlight is more abundant during the day, it may be advisable to put thermal curtains that allow radiation to pass through and retain the accumulated heat. However, for windows that face north or receive little sun, it is recommended to choose heavy fabrics that maximize interior temperature retention. For this, dark colored curtains may be more effective, as they absorb more heat from sunlight, although this may vary depending on the type of covering and the specific climate of each region.

Another important element is the way the curtains interact with other window elements, such as blinds. For example, curtains used in combination with roller blinds can significantly improve the insulation capacity of a home. Blinds block cold air and further reinforce the barrier created by curtains.
Aesthetics and light
Curtains not only have to become a means of saving on heating, they also have an aesthetic function. Although thick, blackout curtains are usually the most efficient in terms of insulation, they can also darken rooms or give a feeling of visual heaviness.
One solution is double curtains, which combine a light and translucent fabric with a heavier and thermal one. In this way we can regulate the amount of light and heat that enters the room during the day, leaving the curtains light, and the heat that we retain at night thanks to the heavy curtains.
Although they are no longer as fashionable as they were a few decades ago, curtains can be a good ally to reduce heating costs, especially when we do not have windows that provide optimal insulation. In addition, curtains can give a greater feeling of warmth to our home.
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