The vanity is blind and only looks in the mirror. The truth is a window, a look from inside out. To see you have to want to see and, sometimes, the ego does not want to let us see. It deceives us, seduces us and tells us a false story that leaves us calm in our parallel world With those who are able to endure our ego Because they love us too much or because they need us.
Cristiano Ronaldo says that he is the best football player in history. His statements before the journalist friend Edu Aguirre are a way like any other to make a fool of and let the vanity teach its miseries. The Portuguese footballer looks in his friend’s helpful mirror and is incapable of Open the outer world window so that between the air of truth to its little ventilated mental mansion.
Without the resonant machinery that had other times behind, human weakness emerges sad and ridiculous as weeds in a lot.
The friend does not help you anything. Being a ball is a doubtful way of friendship. Aguirre places Ronaldo in front of the mirror of the Snow White and Ronaldo. Popara, as almost always, all the elements of the story in their fight against truth, time and evidence. Without the resonant machinery that had other times behind, human weakness emerges sad and ridiculous as weeds in a lot.
In addition, Ronaldo believes the most complete. This is very serious, since it denotes an individualistic way of understanding a sport in which eleven people play. In the collective sense, Ronaldo is a great player, with smell, intuition, placement and a notable understanding of the game, but It is not a gifted as others have been. Ronaldo, for example, could never play in creation positions, where the player decides what the team is going to play.
The aging of some brilliant athletes of this era will be hard. Ronaldo’s, maybe he will be the most painful. Its undeniable merit, its gymnastic effort, the quality and indisputable mental strength that it possesses seems to be enough for the great Portuguese player Understand once the truth is reached by humility. For now, Cristiano Ronaldo is the most wrong in history.
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