A postal of the Nazi horror of the twentieth century in the Mexico Deep today: this weekend was found in the state of Jalisco a ranch that worked as a detainee center and that included crematorium ovens where they stacked in … its surroundings dozens of shoes and clothing. The installation was found by a group of people who are looking for missing and the main suspicion is that the place would be owned by the New Generation Jalisco cartel.
Jalisco, whose capital is Guadalajara, is the state with the largest number of missing in Mexico – 16,000 complaints of people with an unknown whereabouts – and a good part of the absent are young people.
As revealed by the newspaper of Mexico City ‘El Universal’ the track to find the ranch in Teuchitlán came from a young man who three years ago was “kidnapped by hitmen of the cartel and remained a month retained until, for an oversight of her captors, she managed to escape.”
That informant told them that the ranch, about five thousand square meters, the hitmen called him “the Kindergarten.” It was the first entrance filter to the ranks of the Jalisco cartel.
«When the informant arrived, they had some 200 people held in the field. Some had come attracted to false promises of employment or simply after being deprived of liberty. Many others had joined by their own decision, ”says the morning.
President Claudia Sheinbaum reported that the possibility that the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) attracts the case is already analyzed.
During his morning conference on Tuesday he questioned the performance of the Jalisco State Prosecutor’s Office because, according to various records, that ranch would have already been reviewed by state authorities.
Aerial image of the Izaguirre Rancho, used to train new members, according to local authorities
«No, then, obviously, it is terrible. Now: what corresponds to the security cabinet, to the prosecutors and, at the time, to the courts or to the judiciary?, Then investigate and see in particular in this case that, it had already been done, I understand, a first … I do not know if it was cateo exactly, ”said Sheinbaum.
«If the Federation is interested in being part of the investigations, of course we will receive them with open arms. Regardless of the fact that these events were not within my mandate, we have to collaborate and make the part that touches us in the investigations and the location of possible remains, ”argued the president.
Marcos RaygozaForensic anthropologist, told the newspaper ‘Mural de Guadalajara’ that it will be complex to learn more about the remains found in the ranch crematoriums. “In a morphoscopic analysis, that is, it would correspond to the anthropology area, one could say that they belong to an adult who probably their sex was masculine or female, which was probably such an age ‘, but more data can no longer obtain,” said the former worker of the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences.
“Then, still, when we possess the body – now that as it has been incinerated – we can infer, (for example), that it had a dental prosthesis or if it had this other, but as it is already manipulated (no longer). If I had a crown in the teeth, because in the extraction without method, that piece could have already been lost and we no longer know what corpse belonged, ”he added.
#Crematoriums #bodies #crime #narco #disappear #Mexico