Does Lazio have more covid cases because there is a boom in tourists in Rome or because more swabs are being done? The data released today on the spread of Covid in Italy highlights the 'primacy' of Lazio. Compared to the national incidence of 66 cases per 100,000 people, the region stands out with 128 cases: almost double the general picture.
“That Lazio records the highest incidence of Covid-19 cases in Italy does not surprise me”, says Massimo Andreoni, scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit), to Adnkronos Salute. “Rome, in particular, had a boom in tourists during the Christmas holidays, a huge influx of people who gathered in our city for the holidays and chose museums, restaurants, bars, clubs and indoor places to celebrate. Everything this facilitated the circulation of the virus and therefore led to a greater number of positive cases compared to other regions. But it must be said that in Sicily, where there are 6 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, people take fewer or no swabs. “, he adds.
Among the advice, Andreoni recommends vaccination. “Those who have not been vaccinated still have time – he warns – It is then essential to undergo a swab in the presence of symptoms, there are also bivalent swabs for a differential diagnosis, Covid and flu. Once the diagnosis has been made, we have very effective antiviral drugs on to aim for.” But what worries the infectious disease specialist is the influenza virus, “in particular the AH1N1 virus is circulating more, according to the latest ISS data it is the flu that holds the limelight”, he concludes.
“If Lazio holds the record for positive cases of Covid-19 we owe it to two reasons: in our region we do more swabs than the rest of Italy but at the same time we use less protection”, says Massimo Ciccozzi, head of the Unit of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Bio-Medico Campus of Rome. “On buses, subways, trains and trams I don't see masks. On a carriage at most four people wear them, including myself. Hence the increased circulation of the SarS-CoV2 virus.”
“In Lazio we certainly do more swabs – underlines Ciccozzi – and this explains the greater traceability of the virus. Let's be clear, it doesn't mean that in other regions there aren't the same cases as us but we certainly don't know because elsewhere fewer tests are done”. The expert then takes it out on those who don't wear a mask in closed and crowded places. “Common sense should make it clear that this device is a valid protection, the only one that prevents us from contagion”, he concludes.
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