The one who was number two on the list of former governor and autonomic deputy Lara Méndez, Miguel Fernández, will be the next mayor of Lugo After the death of Paula Alvarellos for a fulminating heart attack last Friday when he had been in charge of the Lucense town hall.
Once the official mourning was finished, the members of the municipal group have met on Wednesday afternoon to take A definitive decision about who was going to take over the Lucense command cane, and for which the first three of the list were shuffled.
The meeting, in which all socialist councilors, the provincial secretary of the PSOE, José Tomé, and the head of Organization in the province, Pilar García Porto, have prolonged for more than two hours. The first three of the list were run for the position – Miguel Fernández, The local secretaryAna González, and the councilor Mauricio Repetto-.
Upon exit, Tomé has reported that the decision was made unanimously, so that Miguel Fernández will be chosen as a governor in the plenary that will be held as late next March 11. The provincial secretary of the PSOE has argued that the meeting was “quiet and sincere” since each one made their contributions to, in the end, agree that the PSOE will propose Fernández to take the command.
Specifically, all mayor have signed a document in which Fernández is proposed as a candidate, a text that will be sent to both the City Council and the BNG, a governing partner. Fernández He had taken aside when the party chose Paula Alvarellos as mayor.
In return, he acquired the Minutes of Deputy responsible for roads and works and maintained, so far, his task in the City Council as responsible for ecological transition. It has a long experience in the local administration after passing through several councils, but it was Several months of illnessfrom which he recovered in February.
Without disagreements
His name was one of those who sounded to take over the mayor’s office, although socialist sources indicated that part of the party bet on the local secretary, Ana González, as the best option –next to the Socialist Directorate-, the councilor enforced his position as current number one of the PSOE in the City Council to hold the responsibility of being mayor. In addition, he also pointed to the name of Mauricio Repetto.
However, asked if several options were put on the table at the meeting held on Wednesday afternoon, José Tomé has said that “no” and what was done was “A global analysis, as a whole” After what came to a conclusion and without “disagreements of any kind,” he said.
“Logically, everyone has to expose their point of view, which was what was done. We, from the provincial executive, advise and in the end what we conclude is that the best thing to continue with the project that the PSOE has In the City of Lugo is Miguel, “he said.
For his part, Miguel Fernández refused to make statements and said it will be when he assumes the position when he will speak. “The most reasonable thing is to remain silent,” he said in an appearance in which Ana González has argued that His continuity as a spokesman will depend on what the next mayor decides and that she will be available to what is decided.
The new mayor will take possession, if there are no changes on the expected, on March 11, Tuesday, on the deadline to call the designation plenary, which are Ten days From the death.
In that plenary there will only be two points of the day, the first will be the entrance of a new mayor, which will be expected to be Waldir Sinisterra Restrepobut it is not yet confirmed if you will accept the act, since it is also very affected by the death of the mayor. The second point will be the vote for mayor.
During these days The nationalist Rubén Arrox It occupies the position of accidental mayor and at the meeting of the Xunta de Governor, previously announced their intention to support the socialists in this process to be agile and the continuity of the government is maintained.
For its part, the Municipal Group of the Popular Party announced its intention to leave the local government “restructure at such a complex moment” and therefore decided Do not present initiatives for full commissions of this March.
#Councilor #Miguel #Fernández #assumes #mayor #Lugo #death #Paula #Alvarellos