Spain mostly trusts science and reason, but an increasingly high percentage believes in conspiracy theories based on arguments pseudoscientific, witchcraft or superstition.
A 30% of Spaniards ensure that aliens have visited the land And yet 14% doubt that The man has reached the moon. As for the Terraplanismaround the 4% of citizens are defined as such. What is transluded from the study is that some of these theories, with great monitoring in societies such as the American, begin to have a presence in our country.
As for alternative approaches in the field of health, such as belief in healers to treat serious diseases, The percentage reaches a worrying 13%.
These beliefs coincide over time with a descent of the Catholic faith. 33% of Spaniards believe that the universe was created by God or a spiritual supreme being. That is, the proportion of Spaniards who believe in God is almost the same, that the one who believes that the Martians have stepped on the earth. Said British writer and philosopher GK Chesterton that “when someone stops believing in God, he believes anything.”
They are data from a belief study prepared by the BBVA Foundation, through More than 2,000 interviews made to a representative sample of the Spanish population from 18 years, the study reaches conclusions such as that the science is taken as the most objective knowledgewith an agreement of 8 on a scale of 0 to 10.
In any case, Spanish society looks itself as ‘scientist’. There is a widely shared perception about the practical potential of science to approach issues of the greatest importance, from health to environmental issues and continuous progress of society.
Medicine based on scientific evidence enjoys a high level of trust: all citizens (99%) states that in the face of a serious medical problem, would resort to health system servicessuch as offices and hospitals.
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