Columns Burst the bubble from development projects

The world is becoming more complex at a rapid pace. We have an increasingly dense order, but something is rotting.

Before the world was simpler. Nokia gave us the direction of the stock market. Then Nokia got complicated and ruined. Ex-CEO (2006–2010) Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo says in his memoirs (The phone rings at night, Otava 2021), how Nokia fell in love with development work.

The work became a “seemingly right thing to do”, Kallasvuo regrets.

“When one project was either discontinued or on the right track, it had time to be replaced by ten new ones.”

The world is becoming more complex at a rapid pace. We have an increasingly dense order, but something is rotting. Doing things is more cumbersome.

Terrestrial management is at a dead end. Trade policy is not judged by anyone, and climate action is lagging behind. The original problems are lined with political-administrative problems.

Why are we doing this? One explanation is that the earth has been inhabited in recent years by a new species called gay organizationus. It relies on science and the empowerment of the individual. A pleasant living environment is an organization where there are rational actors together.

This assumption is based on blind faith. According to administrative researchers, organizations are supported by myths of unity. It is more characteristic of detachment and irrationality. We expect risk management and quality assessment, but the organization always fails. Therefore, myths are guarded in special roles. These are loved by gay organizationus: lawyers, accountants, consultants, middle bosses. They are blessed to make rational decisions, as is done in a decent organization.

Complicated things are laborious to keep an eye on. There is an urgent need for background information. Homo organizationus is one step ahead. It has already taken over the State Audit Office (VTV).

Ex-CEO Tytti Yli-Viikari’s media debate revealed how VTV became the new Nokia. It created a coaching agency on its own in recent years, and almost forgot to do performance audits. Developed in the right direction together with Sitra and the consultants.

The organization gives rise to the unconceivable power of a great concentration that is devilishly difficult to keep in check.

Scholars speculate that the end result is a hyperorganized sphere in which all order is rhetorical and imaginary.

We are seemingly doing something in the right direction until the seas bubble. So remember to curse the gay organizationus the next time you encounter that invention. Burst bubbles from unnecessary development projects.

The author is an editor of HS.

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