Cod liver oil against the worst measles outbreak in the United States

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK) appeared before the United States Senate as a new man. “Press reports have said that I am against vaccines or any industry. I am not either. I am in favor of security, ”he said at the end of January in an appearance that sought to convince the senators of their appointment at the head of the Donald Trump Health Department. It worked. The republican majority validated the decision on February 13 With a single vote against. Who said ‘no’ to the controversial candidate was a Kentucky senator called Mitch McConnell who had a child’s polio.

Two weeks later a measles child died in Texas who was not vaccinated, as confirmed by the state health authorities, which is suffering an outbreak with almost 150 affected. Most are people without immunizing and at least twenty have needed hospital admission. RFK Jr. published a column in Fox News On March 2 whose subtitle said that the triple viral vaccine (MMR in English) was “crucial to avoid a potentially deadly disease.”

Although in the text he appealed to the “personal” decision of each family to vaccinate their children and assured that “the studies have shown that vitamin A can drastically reduce measles mortality,” the anti -Vacunas were thrown over. “Has Bobby Kennedy been kidnapped and replaced with a pro-vaccine robot and fearful measles?” The creator of Shannon Joy content titled one of her broadcasts by X, X, as cursed.

Two days later, the US Health head appeared on the same television channel commenting on the “very good results” that had been obtained in Texas with the prescription of Budesonide (a corticosteroid), the antibiotic clarithromycin against bacterial infections and cod liver oil, “high in vitamin A and D”, against measles. I leave you the video In this link.

Measles was a testimonial disease in many developed countries until only a few years ago thanks to the existence of the triple viral vaccine. Spain declared virus free in 2016 after two years without registering community circulation. Cases are on the rise although high vaccination coverage (more than 95% in the first dose) allow to cut the outbreaks fast.

Even vaccinating after exposing us to the virus is effective in epidemiological alert contexts by outbreaks if administered in the first three days, According to the Spanish Pediatrics Association. In Spain, anyway, the Anti -Vacunas Movement is much less than in the United States. And less bad.

While I write this Newsletter I read that an adult has died from measles in New Mexico. Nor was he vaccinated. Here you can read A RFK Jr. profile to get an idea of ​​the things he has defended and done before arriving at the United States Health Department.

While you were other things …

A cirrhosis at 40

Q. He is a 42 -year -old boy who drank a lot every weekend. It was part of the plan since I was 15 years old. He had a history of liver disease but his body resisted well until a medication began to be taken for stomach pains and his liver said enough. He failed in March 2023 before his surprise, his family and doctors. It was diagnosed with a hepatitis associated with alcohol consumption that turned in cirrhosis (when marks are irreversible). He prefers that neither his name nor his face appear, something that tells us a lot about guilt and stigma that still surrounds this disease.

Viral hepatitis They are no longer the main causes of liver problemsbut the damage made by alcohol (alcohol hepatitis) or a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle (linked to the diagnosis of metabolic hepatic steatosis or fatty liver). Hepatologists are also seeing more and more cases in young people. The complete story.

Today is March 8. I hope to see you in the streets. We are tired, yes, but the one that is coming is not normal.

Thanks for reading another week.


P.S. By the way, I just finished a book halfway between the novel and the essay that I liked a lot. His name is the sleeping children ‘ And it has made me think about the weight of family silences and how they are inherited. In this case following a diagnosis of AIDS in the France of the 1980s.

#Cod #liver #oil #worst #measles #outbreak #United #States

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