Culiacan, Mexico.- Bags of cocaine were found inside stuffed toys in a truck in Culiacán, Sinaloa, the National Guard (GN) reported on Sunday.
The National Guard reported that with the support of canine teams, they conducted a search of a courier company that was operating in the capital of Sinaloa, where they found two cardboard boxes with unusual characteristics.
“One of the canine specimens became interested in two cardboard boxes, in front of which it showed a change of behavior that indicated the possible presence of an illicit object or substance, so said shipments were separated and subjected to a second inspection with another pair, from which a similar alert was obtained,” it was explained.
One of the boxes that was allegedly transporting cotton was destined for Orizaba, Veracruz, and plastic bags with cocaine and the synthetic drug crystal were found there, while in the other box, destined for Mexicali, Baja California, three stuffed animals with drugs inside were found.
In November 2023, the same National Guard seized three stuffed animals with marijuana inside in Culiacán, which came from the State of Mexico, and in May of the same year, it was in Querétaro where a stuffed figure hid bags with crystal.
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