The group of Levantine Building and Public Works (Cleop)which today generates more income from its geriatric residences and social services than for construction, closed the year 2024 with a consolidated net profit of 626,000 euros, 36% less than the previous exercise. The company its business figure increased by 8%, to 31.48 million euros.
This is reflected in the accounts presented by the ‘quoted’ group, although really Their actions have not been negotiated in the stock market for 13 years due to the precautionary suspension of the CNMV After a long and complex bankruptcy contest of which litigations such as CaixaBankto which the company considers its shareholder with 16.22% of its actions, in addition to the eternal Fight for the control of the Urbem Real Estate with the Pastor Family.
At this time, Cleop’s strategy is going to grow in the social services business. An activity in which it was affected by floods after the Dana on October 29. As included in its information to the CNMV, “several of the socio -health centers, especially the senior center located in the town of Sedaví” suffered the inclement.
“Fortunately, thanks to the rapid performance of the workers, they did not have to regret personal damage.” As reported, that center “suffered serious damage on the ground floor”, but thanks to “citizen collaboration and third organizations” has recovered normality and the reopening of the day center is planned, annexed to it, in the month of March.
In addition, the group is working on The opening of three geriatric centers whose works also assumes its construction company. As noted, “its inauguration is scheduled in the first half of the 2025 exercise, with a endowment of 360 places that will mean an important increase in the income figure of this segment. “The new residences are located in The Vall d’Uixó (Castellón), Cullera (Valencia) and Mutxamel (Alicante).
Social Services and Mental Health
Cleop, who once was also the concessionaire of the Valencia crane and other cities such as Bilbao and Murcia, wants to continue growing in this field after having had to detach from its centers in the Balearic Islands to survive and face their payments a few years ago. To do this, the group has been awarded The management of two day centers in the region El Murcia for people with functional diversity and older for the next two years.
In his report he points out that “new private and public projects are being studied, in the Community and in border regions, which will consolidate Novaedat.”
In fact, he expressly mentions one of the star projects in social and health policy of the Generalitat of Carlos Mazón until the arrival of the DANA: the macroConcia of new mental health day centers. “They have been tendered 18 day hospitals for the attention of adults With mental health problems. This tender will include 450 new places Assistance, with an initial duration of 24 months, extendable for another 36 months, and An estimated value of 56.1 million euros“, he collects, making his interest clear.
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