Thus, two normal people walk through one of those great optics that proliferate as mushrooms in the cities centers, full of rivers, vertical and horizontal mirrors, exhibitors that form corridors and divide the premises into environments, remote graduation rooms, and a lot … of ov customers that are tested large, small, metallic, pasta, graduate, sun, a multicolored tribute to materialism to vision defects.
“What a desire to see badly, right?” Says the first normal person.
“What do you want to see badly.”
“But you see badly.”
“Ya, now.” But what do you want.
-I don’t understand you.
“That makes you not seeing.” They want to have problems. They want to see fatal.
“But you see fatal, I’m telling you.”
-Yeah I know; But without desire. Now I see badly without desire. Here you want.
“Oh, now;” Now I understand you …
The two normal people move, dodging a horde of buyers, to another exhibitor. The first normal person tries red glasses.
“You can Savater,” the second normal person tells him.
“Savater.” The man ready.
“Are there a ready man?”
“And why is it ready?”
-Just because. Because the little one says, that he reads the books.
“Do not you read the books?”
-Yes of course. What I lacked, now read.
“And why do you say it’s ready, then?”
“Because she has glasses.” And because I heard him once on the radio and said sensitive things. Things against ETA and so on.
“I’m also against.”
“Take, of course, and me.” But he said it on the radio and gave some very good reasons. You listened for a long time and you didn’t know what happened to you that you want to make you.
“To make you what?”
“From ETA.”
“But you wanted to get ETA?”
-I? Unclear. I don’t.
“I don’t understand you …”
“That’s because you don’t wear glasses.” Put glasses and see.
“But I just put the reds …”
“Yes, yes;” If I have already told you that you seem Savater. Savater also wears glasses from those. Children’s glasses
“Does Savater wear child glasses?”
“Toma, of course.” List people wear glasses as a child. Luis Adolfo de Villena. ARRABAL. Bob Pop …
“I just know who Bob Pop is.”
“Your boy doesn’t read others?”
“The little one?” Sure. The little one reads everything. The little one reads to the dictionary. The little one is now with a book that goes from one that is very handsome and has a picture in the attic that is old for him. And read it in English.
“Oh yes, I know what it is; The movie is very good. Well, you say, but I think it’s the one who told you, just.
“Carlos Antonio de Villena.” Of the one who has children’s glasses, which wears a handkerchief and hat.
“Is that man written about the painting?”
“I want to sound like yes.”
“The one I tell you is from Jordi Wild, it seems to me.” Don’t you see that it is not in Spanish?
“But Juan Francisco de Villega will write in many languages, sure.” I already tell you that it is very listo.
“And Bob Pop?”
“Bob pop, the same.” Bob Pop The same gives you advice on the ultra -right that suggests.
“Does Bob Pop sing?”
-I think so.
“Have you heard him sing?”
-I? No. But I imagine it. And, if I imagine it, then it will be. If you imagine someone doing something, it is because it hits him; And, if he hits him, it will be because he does, right?
“Not necessarily.”
“Not necessarily, but yes.”
“And you imagine singing to Bob Pop?”
-I? Clear; perfectly. I imagine it singing copla, for example. And Alberto Jesús de Villares.
“Can copla sing in English?”
“I think so, since democracy arrived, yes.” Since there is no ETA, you can sing everything, in the language you want, even if you understand you. Surely Copa to Savater sings …
“Well, they could do a duo all three, right?” The three with child glasses.
-Well yes.
“And all those with child glasses are pointed out.” They could get together sixty or seventy with children’s glasses and make a duo among all.
“And they could call John Lennon, and that the color piano is brought …
“Isn’t Elton John?”
“Isn’t it the same?”
“I think it’s not.”
“I say the one who carries sequins …
—Leton John, Elton John…
“Well, that.” Call Elton John. Call everyone who have glasses as a child. Although I think there will be so many.
“How not there will be so many?” The Catalans itself.
“Do Catalans wear child glasses?”
“The majority.” You go there to watch TV and go people with child glasses all the time; It is a kind of epidemic, it seems to me. Even politicians wear glasses as a child, don’t you see that they are a jeyese? There you wear normal glasses and send you to Zaragoza.
“But is that legal?”
“Mandate to Zaragoza?” Now yes. Now that the savings box has returned to Badalona, and yes.
The first normal person stays for a while meditating. His attitude is skeptical, but valued. The red glasses are removed and some blue, a little larger than the others.
“And are you?”
“Child too.”
#Childrens #glasses