Food is a good thanks to which we stay fed and, depending on how varied it is, more or less healthy. Beyond seeing it as something necessary and basic in the life of any person, food is also the protagonist of gastronomy from different places in the world, a fundamental part of any culture.
In our country this has a lot of value, since it is considered one of the most complete, healthy and tasty in the world, something that, in part, many Spanish chefs have been responsible for exporting, which is also often valued thanks to tourism and the native inhabitants themselves.
Thanks to the variety and richness of Spanish lands and waters, the foods available in our territory are of great quality and value, both in crops such as vegetables, fruits, cereals and vegetables, as well as meats and fish, among many other products. Furthermore, although we can find almost any food in supermarkets at any time of the year, it is known that seasonal products They provide even better flavor and nutritional value.
Focusing on this last consideration, chef José Andrés wanted to give advice on a product that has little time left to enjoy in season, in fact, it reaches the moment of its maximum maturity: the tomato. He founder of the NGO ‘World Central Kitchen’via his blog ‘Long Tables’shared a post to take advantage of tomatoes in the last days of summer and the first days of autumn.
«Today I want to give you another idea: canned tomatoes. As you probably already know, in Spain we love canning and preserving things. Of course, I would tell you that it is because we have some of the best products in the world. And it is true, but it is also practical,” says the popular Spanish chef.
How to make canned tomatoes?
According to him, on other occasions he also gave ideas for using ripe tomatoes such as gazpacho, bread with tomato or a homemade mixture to make Bloody Mary. Returning to the canned tomato, as indicated in the José Andrés blog, everything what you will need They are your favorite tomatoes, a large glass jar, lemon, water and a little Spanish extra virgin olive oil.
For make homemade canned tomato The whole tomatoes must be blanched, peeled and placed in the glass jar, either whole or in pieces. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice and add the olive oil, also pressing the tomatoes carefully so that there is no air left inside. Then close the jars tightly and put them in a water bath for half an hour while the water covers them completely. Let it cool for a couple of hours upside down so they can create a vacuum and your canned tomatoes will be ready.
“Preserving your own tomatoes is a very easy way to enjoy them when you can’t get ripe tomatoes in season, and it really You can use them for everything from sauces and soups to stir-fries.. There is something very comforting about opening a jar of tomatoes in the middle of winter, inhaling their sweet and slightly tart aroma and transporting yourself to summer, just for a moment,” shares the cook.
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